Consciousness Videos

A quantum effect on action potential speed. The basis for creative though for AI?

DrChrisDawe VideoTutor

As outlined in the best selling book Life on the Edge by Al-Khalili and McFadden, Quantum Biology is coming of age. This video introduces an important link between quantum mechanics and neuronal phenomena. Quantum fluctuations due to hydrogen bonds result in changes in ion diffusion rate in myelenated neuron axons. This may explain the large spread reported in measurement of action potential speed using isolated neurons and microelectrodes. The effects are amplified by positive feedback across membrane channels and by the exponential spread of information in a neuronal network. Such random fluctuations mean the brain is fundamentally error prone. However some mistakes provide better solutions than would have been obtained by keeping rigidly to a set of rules.. Important in creative thought. It must however be remembered that most neurones in the brain are not myelinated. Hus creative thought proceeds with a degree of randomness which are checked against known or new facts. These random conjectures are often wrong but allow for a line of thought to evolve.


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