Consciousness Videos

A Virtual Consciousness within a Virtual World

Strange Mysteries

Bonus Videos & “Chemicals of Reality” Premium Video Available @

Narrated by Jack Daniel
Ending trailer by Ben Patrick Johnson

Sarkadi, T. Artificial Consciousness in an Artificial World. Communication Today: An Overview from Online Journalism to Applied Philosophy. 2016

If you wanted to create consciousness right now you’d have to find partner, initiate freakiness, wait nine months, and there you have it; Consciousness. Life. A sentient being of your very creation borne of flesh and blood. But is this the only way to create a mind? Before mankind attempts to create a form of artificial consciousness, we must first accept that we have a problem. In his paper, “Artificial Consciousness in an Artificial World”, Sarkadi suggests that we must create and inhabit complex and immersive virtual environments if we wish to also create and engage with artificially conscious beings. The creation of consciousness may not involve direct creation, but rather the forming of the ingredients needed for consciousness to create itself.Interaction is key; it is how we know our fellow humans are aware, it is how we know we are alive, and it helps us form an idea of what our consciousness truly consists of.


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42 thoughts on “A Virtual Consciousness within a Virtual World
  1. Consciousness is not an emergent reality but a fundamental reality. In other words, consciousness does not get created, it just IS and always has been. The very idea of existence implies a conscious presence that bears witness to that which exists. 0's and 1's = consciousness and form.

  2. All scientific evidence up to this day, affirms that formation of a cell on its own, from chemical elements is impossible. I admire the way you affirm that 'we were created from a cell that existed on its own'. pseudo scientists on youtube..

  3. if a conscious is virtual in a human brain with it's body, this could lead to that human getting a mental breakdown knowing that all his ever first memories weren't real after growing up…& that all he has is the horrible reality he's stuck in.
    It will be heartbreaking.

  4. Certain Sims Games e.g Mind Craft. are "gateways" the sim bridge" This will be an Ah Ha moment for those of you who are picking up what I'm putting down 😉Stay blessed.

  5. so I had a major revelations with everything I've put together so far. OUR PHONES ARE THE LINK! From our world and the sentient world. "The Sim Bridge" I've found the evidence to absolutely back it up. It's not just a "theory". Amazing no one is coming up with this same revelation. Many come so close their rite there on it and don't even realize it. Right in our face! how brilliant right??? That's the Great deception.

  6. I had a dream… which there were a couple of paths to take…..I remember upon awakening that I deliberated for a while , in the dream,
    and decided to go on a certain chosen path. There was clearly a conscious effort to "figure out" and I was conscious of a choice and decision making process,
    all in the dream…

  7. So like, anyone know what happened to this channel or Nathan? Is the patreon page still going and is Nathan involved in that? I see this is the last video and it was uploaded 3 months ago… Sucks because I love shows like this and Strange Mysteries is one of the few that actually provides the sources so I know I can trust what I'm watching… 🙁

  8. Is there any way to see updates on what is going on with channel without being a patreon? I love this channel and it's content, but it has been a while without anything from Nathan at all

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