Art Theory

Abstract Art Painting Techniques Fun Simple HowTo Color Depth

Michael Lang

More Painting Demos available at Michael Lang Artist Brushes Set now available at or Michael Lang Artist Instructional DVDs now available


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34 thoughts on “Abstract Art Painting Techniques Fun Simple HowTo Color Depth
  1. Michael, what do you mean by washes? Aren't these acrylic paints? I was going to ask you how you kept them wet and moving for so long, but maybe the "washes" is how. Just need you to explain what those are please. You probably wouldn't guess it, but I'm a beginning amateur. :o)

  2. So for the first hour, I was sitting here thinking "He's painting it upside-down! Why, oh why, is he painting it upside down?" Seriously though, your videos are a huge inspiration for me. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Michael I really like your paintig and your style.I noticed that you are using great brushes. Can you tell what brand and how can I order it? Kindest regards

  4. Adoro seus trabalhos! Espero que no futuro possa chegar perto do que vc faz, pois estou pintando algumas peças e creio que ficarão muito lindas , assim como as suas! PARABÉNS.

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