Consciousness Videos

Activate your Higher Mind | 432 Hz + 963 Hz | Raise Consciousness and Manifest Miracles

Meditative Mind

Activate your Higher Mind | 432 Hz + 963 Hz | Raise Consciousness and Manifest Miracles

Access the greatness you have within you, your true potential. 963Hz is known as the frequency of gods, the pineal gland activator. Just before you go to sleep along with this music, just hummmmm….. very quietly, and see how instantly your mind will start to calm… We hope this will help. Many Blessings and peace all the way!!

In this long format track, the screen will automatically become dark in 15 mins.

Copyright ⓒ 2020 Meditative Mind®. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorised re-uploading, copying, selling, sampling, synchronisation is strictly prohibited.

ISRC : AUTMZ2090229
UPC : 673681791828

#MeditativeMind #963Hz #Solfeggio


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39 thoughts on “Activate your Higher Mind | 432 Hz + 963 Hz | Raise Consciousness and Manifest Miracles
  1. NOT SURE WHY BUT THIS POEM CAME TO MY MIND.. still trying to understand it!!

    I become that which surrounds me, and am now one with myself. A singularity of consciousness dispersed among all creation.
    Defined by the differences which can not be overcame, yet the truth behind the struggle is identical, Drawn even closer by my vast separation.
    I have always been alive, and am living now but have not yet began to live my life as I once did for generations.
    I have become that which surrounds me and am now conscious of myself, I becomes us, we become one through our enlightened and spiritual amalgamation.
    – C. Williams Sr.


  2. Send spirits or ANYONE to help me find a safe quiet house I’ve been 10 years searching I must find this to save my life !!!!!! Please help me !!!!!!!

  3. So if i could not hear how would this help tune a brain that has one less sense. I see so many videos talkin about specific frequencies that will improve a bodies function (vibration) but i personally have not had an experience that each video claims to do. Ive learned through my martial arts and ancient arts that experience will better help to understand these energies these videos speak about. Many sounds we generate that are very ancient and will help balance you. Aum or Om to vibrate the skull used for a certain length of tyme helps generate certain chemicals used for different parts of the brain. The music no doubt is calmin.

  4. Sir Namaste , what are the frequency combinations by which I can make a song . Does 432 and 528 fo together or are there any other frequencies which will give the best effects. It would be very helpful if u please help me out in this. Thank you

  5. Love how gently these sounds guide down a path to somewhere i really am excited to experience but have no expectations of what it will be like…just enthusiasm for the unknown. After coming back from combat and drinking heavily for years, i have not haf a drink in almost 18 months and have reached a point where i am happy and excited to be alive every day. This type of meditation through consistent practice has really helped maintain a seemingly unshakable balance. Thank you, So that others may live. Peace world

  6. Wow!! This is amazing! Tingling in all the chakras🦋🧿 I feel like Im communicating with god when i listen to this, I feel his presence and his love

  7. 4 + 3 + 2 = 9
    9 + 6 + 3 = 18
    18 + 9 = 27
    2 + 7 = 9

    9 is the perennial wisdom of the universal hermit … a citizen of the cosmos … a lightbringer.

    999 means finishing or completion. There is great peace in knowing “it is finished.”

    There is a council of 9 on Saturn … 9 implies the totality of perspectives possible … thus 9 is the basis for the Supreme Court

    Both 432 and 963 resolve to the vibration of 9, which blends great peace with innumerable measures of expanded awareness. The true capacity of grounded awareness is found in the number 9. There is a great spaciousness here like in the time-space / antimatter realm which we inhabit after life / between lives. Let no one fool you. Consciousness lives on and takes everything, good and bad, with it to the afterlife where it is analyzed and a new life plan composed. Meditate and remember …

    Mind. Body. Spirit.

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