Consciousness Videos

Craziest Chemical FAILS

Bored Badger

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5 thoughts on “Craziest Chemical FAILS
  1. The first bar I ever worked in back in the 90s, I got alcohol poisoning from. Used to in the '90s jägermeister was not legal in the US because it had too high of percent of alcohol in it to be sold in the US. So my boyfriend at the time had went somewhere and was able to get it and bring it back to the US and his first stop was to go to the bar and see me because I was off that night and was just hanging out up there until he did get there. A poured me a shot and said "I'm telling you, this is going to kick your ass"!!! I said I did 22 shots of tequila on my last birthday bash so if I can handle that and didn't get alcohol poisoning then I can handle this. He said "you'll be too messed up before you're even a quarter of the way into the bottle"!!! LOL I was hard-headed so I had to prove him wrong. I made it to 19 shots but almost died from. Needless to say it has been years since I have had any type of liquor. I can buy me a bottle of wine and it will stay either on my counter or in my fridge for quite a few months. I'm 52 now so my partyin' days has been over and done with. 👍

  2. I had a chemical peel a couple of years ago and it was my first chemical peel facial. I think the girl left mine on too long and I told her that I was really getting uncomfortable with how much it was burning….The next morning I looked like I had been drug by a car down the road. I didn’t go anywhere for a good week. 😬🫤

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