AI Dungeon – A Brief Overview

AI Adventures

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Just wanted to do an overview of AI Dungeon before I launch my diary-esque series playing AI Dungeon with my inner circle.

About AI Dungeon (from Wikipedia):

AI Dungeon is a text adventure game; however, unlike traditional text adventure games (which use pre-written content), AI Dungeon uses artificial intelligence to generate effectively limitless open-ended storylines.

After beginning an adventure, there are three main interaction methods that can be chosen for each of the player’s pieces of text input:

Do: Must be followed by a verb, allowing the player to perform an action.
Say: Must be followed by dialog sentences, allowing players to communicate with other characters.
Story: Can be followed by sentences describing something that happens to progress the story, or that players want the AI to know for future events.

Providing blank input can also be used to prompt the AI to generate further content, and the game also provides players with options to undo/redo or modify recent events, in order to improve the game’s narrative. Players are also given an option to explicitly tell the AI what elements to “remember” for reference in future parts of their playthrough.

In July 2020, the developers introduced a premium-exclusive version of the AI model, named Dragon, which uses OpenAI’s new API for leveraging the GPT-3 model without maintaining a local copy. GPT-3 was trained with 570 gigabytes of text content and can support 175 billion parameters, compared to the 40GB of training content and 1.5 billion parameters of GPT-2.