
AI Kya Hai in Hindi Urdu | Artificial Intelligence Definition

Four Dot Skills

We all want to know what is #artificial #intelligence?
AI as an idea started back in 1956 during a conference on Artificial Intelligence and such a advanced #technology #connections of that era. Now there are many further extended technologies invented through artificial intelligence like machine learning, internet of things, blockchain, virtual reality, data science and so much more. The future of technology in 10 years will be very different from now and it will be completely revolutionary. Checkout the world in 100 years from now. Want to know the Artificial Intelligence Definition?

So the big question is What is artificial intelligence? You must have watched one or more of robots movie full movie, but still you want to know more. Thats why we have brought the artificial intelligence in urdu for you. Enjoy and see ai kya hai in hindi and urdu and see jobs that pay well without degree 2020!

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