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47 thoughts on “AI learns to play snake using Genetic Algorithm and Deep learning
  1. Or you could just program a specific path for it to follow, wherever you are go to a certain block at the bottom and going to the right x amount of spaces going up once then to the left x amount leaving only the leftmost column empty thereby making a path for it to loop

  2. At the end of the video it turned right instead of left to commit suicide as it realized the meaninglessness of its life and the absurdity in finding a higher value. It was a pity that it chose to end its life when facing the problem of absurdity. So unfortunate that it haven't read the works of Albert Camus and have started to revolt and create its own meaning of life in order to defeat the absurdity. Perhaps in level 100, it will follow the footsteps of Sisyphus by rejecting all the predetermined meaning imposed on it and will continue its monostrous life in a cheerful way. Then we may say: il faut imaginer le serpent heureux.

  3. Hmm. I can see the future. The Ai going to take over the world than kill everyone and everything except their types. Then they are going to have a war just like WWI and WWII. After many many years, they will realise that they are just like humans and selfish. Then committed suicide. Fix this if i’m worng

  4. While AI generation keeps on improving our generation does not

    Ps. This is just a joke, saying it early before everyone keeps on hating, but you know it’s true

  5. At level 30 or 40 my cat suddenly got obsessed by my phone. Took me a few seconds to realize.
    That said, you have come a long way with your videos. I like the talking, keep it up, keep leaning how to train an AI.

  6. As a veteran snake coder, a few pointers: your food generation should check that the food is placed on an empty square, otherwise try again. You could have just one output neuron, an int from -1 (left), 0 (forward) or 1 (right).

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