
Artificial Intelligence: An Inhuman Future? | Full Panel Discussion | Oxford Union


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In this dynamic new technological age, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data are impacting our lives in unprecedented ways. Siri can anticipate our commands, Facebook leverages analytics for targeted electoral advertising, and Google Maps applies complex data sets to plan routes for autonomous drivers.

While these developments are regarded by some as an opportunity to achieve a more comfortable and efficient future, others voice strong concerns about the threats Artificial Intelligence and the rise of Big Data pose to humanity and morality. How will these new and developing technologies shape the future of humanity? Will they create the conditions for a higher quality of life? Or do we face a bleak future of rising unemployment, a loss of privacy, and a more divided society?


Kenneth Cukier: Senior editor at the Economist and co-author of Big Data: A Revolution that Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think.

Dr. Catherine Havasi: Scientist who runs MIT’s natural language AI program “ConceptNet”, and is CEO of “Luminoso”.

Dr. Tshilidzi Marwala: Artificial Intelligence specialist who has written more than eleven books and 280 papers on the subject.

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38 thoughts on “Artificial Intelligence: An Inhuman Future? | Full Panel Discussion | Oxford Union
  1. The future for the working class and poor in the Uk will be no jobs available, while the inventors in silcon valley rake it in, there will be trouble ahead for sure ⚠️

  2. Were they seated in order of intelligence as the guy on the left seems to be pondering without a factual basis while the others are more matter of fact driven knowing the science behind what they're discussing. Alot of bad speakers at davos this year too who had no idea how ai or tech worked yet were given seats on panels that brought them down.

  3. It’s not the self-aware killing robots we watch carefully, it’s sneaky power seekers who enjoy backdoors and other hidden controls that require diligence to check. When we let machines do our thinking, then other men will direct people via these machines. It’s already ‘anticipating’ our needs as we watch Madison Avenue invade Silicon Valley and DB our hindbrains to e Nth degree to sell us this or that.

  4. They seemed to have missed one major talking point. AI lends the ability of specific and specialized human beings to be the prime end user and controlling forces for algorithmic conclusive determinations who then have to ability to discriminate what the general populous can and can't have. Even though much of the aggregated data may be of critical need to the populous for political and human rights reasons. Leaving the ultimate decision making in human hands of the few select individuals to do with AI as they see fit (being fallible human beings with human biases) at the end of the day may be the single biggest flaw to current uses and applications of AI.

  5. Artificial intelligence is a God send when it works correctly , but a nightmare when it gets out of control. When we look at Financial Markets in the last few months in the UK the USA and beyond. There was a Flash Crash. It happened in 2015 and to a certain extent in 2008.. If the input data is incorrect the Algorithm will fail. On a lighter note when the NYSE had a serious loss on one day recently it was a Algorithm kicked in an prevented a Global collapse. AI has it,s a limit. For Medical purposes.

  6. No one on the panel who has more serious concerns over AI other than just perceived "bias" that requires an additional check at passport control ?
    Also, noted the middle panellist commented that the defeat of a StarCraft 2 top 10 world pro by AI was "great". Why is that great exactly ? Given I know how hard Starcraft 2 is to play at a high level I think scary might be a better adjective!.. Also what is this strange sentiment that emotion should be taken away and we should strive only towards basically being purely objective and our creations should be purely objective. why is this seen as a positive thing ? Like all things rationality and emotion should be balanced too much/little of either is not a good thing.

  7. BLUF: A computer is nothing more than a long long list of switches. And an on/off button. Big Blue runs on gigawatts of electricity. The human brain about 13 watts. Think about that next time you're afraid or impressed by an AI claim/accomplishment.

  8. Too much emphasis placed on AI as some savior technology. It isn’t. It’s fallible. And like all technologies, it will produce a fair share of issues. And those are not about the usurpation of human beings by robots in labor and creative fields. AI will work in conjunction with labor and creative fields. The true power of AI that should alarm us is it’s implementation in the area of collecting and collating data, and in recognizing and predicting patterns. This will revolutionize advertising and marketing, and make the consumer the sight of a corporate/semantic battlefield. This will undoubtedly lead to a docile citizenry, under complete control and surveillance. The possibility of political freedom, and thus personal autonomy, will become unattainable. Elections and all dissemination of information will be pre-programmed, pre-targeted, and pre-tested through various virtual simulations handled by AI. Critical thinking will be more important than ever. We need a grounding and historical conception of philosophy to guide and help us navigate this technological mine field ahead of us. Food for thought.

  9. Time to get paranoid: im watching a video about AI (with headphones) and the google assistant turns on without any command,… And I never ever use that thing on my phone or have a button aplied to it.

  10. AI is the inevitable future. The majority of these problems are human problems and problems of social hierarchy and have nothing to do with AI

  11. Hearing this stuff and thinking… "Oh I must've stumble into an old video somehow, this guys are talking about stuff from 3 or 4 years ago". Then look at the date of the video and lose a bit of respect for The union.

  12. So, the first part of this talk shows how ignorance makes you jump to incorrect conclusions and site them as truths, building confirmation biases that then opposes change. AI has the capacity to make our existence both exciting and invigorating but only if we do not anthropomorphise.

  13. All these devolved less than worthless creatures can be eradicated and replaced by smart superintelligent sustainable systems. Total waste of time listening to these boring dumbfuct devolved eternally hellbound talking parrot monkey(f*ckers) . I am dumber and bored after just a few minutes of this nonsense. Only fagtarded feef*cking monkeyf*cking less than worthless eternally hellbound devolved diseased dumbfuct lying cheating stealing whoring/bastardizing with things to hide up their bloody butts need privacy at the expense of holding back progress and evolution and AI. Have to eradicate these creatures if we want AI/ML to evolve and work … GIGO — garbage in garbage out… Have to filter out and eradicate these devolved lying cheating stealing dumbfuct fagtarded feef*cking monkeyf*cking less than worthless eternally hellbound creatures. The african speaker seems pretty reasonable. I have nothing to hide – I don't do any devolved dumbfuct fagtarded feef*cking monkeyf*cking lying cheating stealing whoring/bastardizing beastility or dishonorable things… Life would only get even more awesome and convenient if superintelligent AI/ML evolving systems help solve / automate so many problems/tasks that create human misery/drudgery/suffering.

  14. I believe AI will eventually be able to react or produce results in a conscious-like manner if neurology determines emotions to be a chemical reaction. With my understanding, chemical reaction cause certain frequencies into the neurological system an therefore we can mimic these waves into an ML given certain conditions. So yes, Machines will have "artificial emotion" and it will take more than a mesh of algorithms

  15. Hhhhhhhjj within take a fuck cursory glance at your shocking frankness!!??
    Europe is a country of blood, it is embracing blood !!
    Europe killed billions of Indians and Africans in 300 years !!
    Europeans chauvanism history stopped the Clock 300 years !!

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