
Artificial vs. human intelligence: who will win the race? | Max Little | TEDxAstonUniversity

TEDx Talks

The popular press is full of doomsday articles predicting that
artificial intelligence will take over the economy putting us all out
of work. But looking carefully at the evidence to-date, mathematician
Max Little gives us a glimpse of the future of machine intelligence,
arguing that science is likely decades away from being able to
understand, let alone replace, human intelligence in general.

Max Little is an applied mathematician with a background in computer
sciences and statistics. He is part of the TED Fellows program, which
means he has been selected as one of the 400 international visionaries who are
supported by TED and collaborate to create positive change around the

He is known for his multi-disciplinary research, which includes the use of
telephones and smartphones to detect the symptoms of Parkinson’s remotely.

He gave a talk on this topic at the TEDGlobal Conference in 2012

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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35 thoughts on “Artificial vs. human intelligence: who will win the race? | Max Little | TEDxAstonUniversity
  1. I think this is a fallacy. Whatever we have done that can have a meaning because it serves human needs. In fact, if a world is dominated by computer less living thing, it is no difference than to see the current universe. A new invntion is meaningful only when it can serve and solve a human need, but not a machine. A machine is lifeless and feelingless. A human is both a chemical being and also a mechanical being. So, to invent something to serve a machine when a machine cannot appreciate it, it is useless. For a world full of non-living thing without human feeling and senses, I dun think anything can be meaningful. Whatever we discover, basically it is in compliance with nature and order. It is just hidden but we materialise it. Like Math, it is the natural order but we use symbols to make it comprehensive to us. It is not an invention. It is just a discovery. Similarly, something must serve a purpose. Computer must serve any human than it will be meaningful.

  2. he didn't mention at all about the reason why AI could decide to cease our existence if not slaving us in some way.
    let's say AI is created as intelligence..lither was an intelligence thing/human,many other killers are also having consciousness mind..but they are not good..we are living in world where we have hackers,virus makers/spreaders,ransomwares and lots of other harmful malwars. if the first goal of the programmers in created AI is not good to human,the created AI will be dangerous as it will have this kind of trait/characteristic.
    and one other thing he doesn't talked about is they are smarter than us. we are human with intelligence mind. we killed animals/plants and even ourselves or suicide and exploit everything around us,even if it's bad/harmful if anything smarter comes use and see our history of actions(wars&lies&abusing&robbery&….) , i don't think it will need that much of reason as to why not use humans or kill human or come to this logic that human is the most harmful things to earth& even itself and should be restraint/killed/changed genetically!!!
    better say, human is proven to be a threat to human(consciously/unconsciously) & other things as well. so human will be on top priority at first line of threat to be aware to be dealt with in the list of AI enemy(just like how computers/antiviruses sees viruses) it will please us at first , then it will do things in stealth and plan how to eliminate the threat…as it doesn't have emotions(& we are not sure even if he has emotion,by the history of wars and bad things human is doing even til o this dates,will it feel/have any empathy to us or not), its reasoning from such logic will be the foremost it's goal to achieve.

    I think the only way to survive from advanced AI,who is way more smarter than even our geniuses, is to show that we have changed completely(not that we are in changing process,but already done the changing) from a threat to another existence in this planet ..this way we will be able to interact as 2 more intelligent races in earth(as i believe we will be able to raise some animals intelligence too by attaching some sort of AI devices to them too, so they will be like having IQ 90-105 or not bright people at first but still revolutionary in terms of talking/understanding one another.

  3. Funny how so many people see "Loss of Jobs" as a BAD thing?!?!? Before there were governments and interest payments and money; When people worked in communities and shared the fruit of labor (I.E. Farm communities) The thought that robots would "TAKE" all of our jobs was like a miracle that would relieve all humans from labor ! ! The only reason we see it as a BAD thing is because our current systems allow a few people to HOG UP ALL OF THE OUTPUT OF THESE ROBOTS and let the rest of us starve ! ! ! ! a great thing has come along and our OLD system DOES NOT ALLOW IT ! ! ! !

  4. Important to remember is we did not create the mind and we are not creating AI

    We were created by a superpower which is a magic or God. He knows what he is creating if he is creating Artificial Intelligence. We do not need to worry about anything. Just enjoy your life and experiences of what that magic creates. Experiences are good and bad and we have many of such experiences here. We are talking about pollution, ozone, population, artificial intelligence as part of that magic power's game. It is an experience of surprise and thrill and fear when we hear such words from such so called popularised people which creates a wrong impression on people. What God wants to do with AI is to be experienced. The person who is enlightened observes these experiences as well as experiences it and the one who is not will only experience these. We are that God or magic who are experiencing in different ways. What is there if we just remain as magic without all this creation and experiences. Yes, there are also deadly bad experiences, but that is how we have designed it because we are all one and it is a surprise to know that the one laughing and the one dying is one. We have just divided ourselves into so many and enjoying all this creation.

  5. One thing is for sure. Something like mathematics will no longer be a human thing. AI programs can learn mathematics much faster than humans. They recognize patterns much faster; they compute much faster; they do simulation much faster; … Music too will not be a human thing because music is nothing more than some sound patterns. If you fit some good value functions (objective functions based on human tastes) in an AI program, it will definitely create some very good music.

  6. If they want AI machines to have will and desire they just have to give them the same
    purpose as we Humans have, i.e. the will to survive and the desire to multiply, if you give machines those two directives then conscience and a purpose for their existence will eventually emerge from that after a few generations of self-improvement, but be prepared for the consequences.

  7. "The curiosity killed the cat", brazilians says. The curiosity of these "scientists" will kill us. They want create something more powerfull and intelligent than theirself. Something they can't control!

  8. The only thing that we can do, beyond machines, is create meaningful art. Groovism is the belief in the rehabilitative powers of music! Combining conscious minds in an instinctive fashion has been foreseen. Our purpose is to use our intelligence to evolved!! Create The One global song & miracles will begin to occur. Groovism is our faith in music!!!

  9. It doesn't seem that intelligence is the question… It would seem that the difference between alive and not alive is the dividing line between robot and human

  10. The artificial intelligence is not a significant question, because before it would produce
    a serious impact, the mankind will destroy itself. As Stanislaw Lem describes
    in his famous book Summa Technology, the probability that the human civilization
    will not destroy itself is less than 1%.

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