Consciousness Videos

Biblical Series V: Cain and Abel: The Hostile Brothers

Jordan B Peterson

Bible Series V: Cain and Abel: The Hostile Brothers

The account of Cain and Abel is remarkable for its unique combination of brevity and depth. In a few short sentences, it outlines two diametrically opposed modes of being — both responses to the emergence of self-consciousness and the knowledge of good and evil detailed in story of Adam and Eve.

Cain’s mode of being — resentful, arrogant and murderous — arises because his sacrifices are rejected by God. This means that his attempts to give up something valuable in the present to ensure prosperity in the future are insufficient. He fails, in consequence, to thrive, as he believes he should, and becomes bitter, resentful and murderous.

Abel’s mode of being is characterized, by contrast, by proper sacrifice — by the establishment of balance between present action and future benefit. This ensures his personal and social success, accruing over time. Unfortunately, it also makes him the target of Cain’s malevolence.

This great short story is relevant personally, on the level of the family, and politically, all with equal force, all simultaneously.

Producer Credit and thanks to the following $200/month Patreon supporters. Without such support, this series would not have happened: Adam Clarke, Alexander Meckhai’el Beraeros, Andy Baker, Arden C. Armstrong, Badr Amari, BC, Ben Baker, Benjamin Cracknell, Brandon Yates, Chad Grills, Chris Martakis, Christopher Ballew, Craig Morrison, Daljeet Singh, Damian Fink, Dan Gaylinn, Daren Connel, David Johnson, David Tien, Donald Mitchell, Eleftheria Libertatem, Enrico Lejaru, George Diaz, GeorgeB, Holly Lindquist, Ian Trick, James Bradley, James N. Daniel, III, Jan Schanek, Jason R. Ferenc, Jesse Michalak, Joe Cairns, Joel Kurth, John Woolley, Johnny Vinje, Julie Byrne, Keith Jones, Kevin Fallon, Kevin Patrick McSurdy, Kevin Van Eekeren, Kristina Ripka, Louise Parberry, Matt Karamazov, Matt Sattler, Mayor Berkowitz , Michael Thiele, Nathan Claus, Nick Swenson , Patricia Newman, Robb Kelley, Robin Otto, Ryan Kane, Sabish Balan, Salman Alsabah, Scott Carter, Sean C., Sean Magin, Sebastian Thaci, Shiqi Hu, Soheil Daftarian, Srdan Pavlovic, Starting Ideas, Too Analytical, Trey McLemore, William Wilkinson, Yazz Troche, Zachary Vader


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33 thoughts on “Biblical Series V: Cain and Abel: The Hostile Brothers
  1. I have a fairly simple explanation for the vision this woman received at the beginning of this lecture, Mr. Peterson. Now, you judge for yourself:
    Little children, it is the last hour: and as you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time (1 John 2:18).
    Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son (1 John 2:22).
    By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. And this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming; and now it is already in the world (1 John 4:2–3).
    Many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh; any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist! (2 John 1:7)

  2. 2:30
    Most of what I've heard from the purveyors of the Divine Feminine concerning their view of divine masculinity is scorn…they consider the Mother Goddess the font of all culture and gentility, and masculine gods…or God…as tyrannical and warlike.

    Kudos to this particular devotee of the Goddess for her broadmindedness

  3. Sacrifice is certainly not primitive! I was saying the other day that every good thing in life comes with a sacrifice. The better the thing the bigger the sacrifice….like motherhood. The way you framed this as the very first way hu.ans tried to make things right got me wondering if that is why God our Father chose to sacrifice His Son Jesus to defeat the evil once and for all. Is this built into us from the very beginning or did God use what we would understand? From the beginning we have been given a choice. After choosing the knowledge of evil, all things became a struggle. We have had to wrestle and sacrifice our way though life. But God sent us His Son and made the ultimate sacrifice and defeated evil for all who put their faith in Him and accept His Sacrifice as the final answer. Amazing God, our creator, who can understand? With Jesus there is victory and peace. Thank you for your Bible lectures, they bring out many profound truths.
    God bless you and your family.

  4. Anyone else started crying when he said what he is here to do…idk as a person I feel like I have been growing since listening to Jordan Peterson and I know its thanks to him I've grown in a certain way..and what the vision said he is here for I feel like it was right.He is helping so many people to be aware and awake.

  5. Im back here watching this particular lecture because of the stunning similarities between this lecture and the current political landscape. What we are witnessing this election is the Cain and Able story. Everyone I know makes sacrifices. Some make good sacrifices that will benefit them in the future such as working hard at their job, learning a new skill, getting an education, ect. Others are making bad sacrifices such as criminal activity, worrying about social grievances, obtaining useless majors, working a dead end job that they are too lazy to change, ect.

    Either way both sacrifice and feel suffering. The problem is you have the side making bad sacrifices not seeing any benefit and becoming convinced they are victims of an oppressive system. Now you have an entire political party devoted on tearing down our system and taking revenge on their "oppressors". The bible warned us about these kinds of people.

  6. Why does he even take the Jewish scriptures seriously? They are in essence merely a tribal/national epic, self glorifying, self justifying, self aggrandizing.

  7. That has clue, "it is something 16yo you could have said" to ~30yo woman, or other them, same for boy/man… he is filling some crucial void that we dont grow as person in this culture, unless we sacrifice something painful, crucial even for survival… some people go to Java to meditate in their 50s and so on to take back this gap in mental, emotional growth.

  8. According to the truth revealed by the Creator of this reality, in brief, the fact is that our deeds will send us to Heaven or to hell, after God/Jesus will forgive what can be forgiven for each of us. That is why we must always strive to do only good, to never cause useless suffering (any damage) to others and to ourselves, in any situation, for the rest of our earthly life.

    Regarding the existence of God, anyone can read the following true happening (please excuse my English because it is not my native language):

    When I was doing my military internship, the captain handed me the seal of the weapons storage, trusting me and because I was helping him with documents editing, etc. at his office. After a very hard day of training, with running, etc. in the polygon (proving ground) of several square kilometers, I realized that the seal (from the armament storage door) had fallen out of my pocket. Being a late winter day, the snow had melted almost entirely, leaving thick mud all over the field.

    The captain sent me back to the polygon to find the seal, otherwise he and I will be put in jail.

    I have searched the seal for many hours in a row on that field, through all the areas where I had been instructed (that day, the commanders
    running us much longer than usual). I looked desperately and very carefully over an area of several square kilometers, until nightfall and I could only see in the moonlight.

    When I no longer endured the enormous stress and despair, deciding to give up and return to the military unit (thinking about the tremendous suffering/evil that I will have to endure in prison), realizing that someone might have stepped on it and buried it in the mud, right when I was about to take the first step towards the return road, something made me look down at my right leg, just before to move it.

    Even near my heel I saw a slight glow in the moonlight. I bent down to see better and … I couldn't believe it, it was about a millimeter portion of something metallic, it was a very small part of the seal coming out of the mud, the rest being buried into the ground.

    I found it! The impossible has happened! Think about how this was possible. It was a very close probability to zero to find an object so small, like a thick copper coin, lost over such a huge surface, where so many soldiers could step over it, more than once, burying it entirely into the mud.

    Only the Creator of this reality could make me found it in those conditions, right when I could not take any more suffering, when I couldn't do anything more, and decided to renounce and go back (having to face the prison conditions in my country, not only very dishonorable, but also very deadly at that time).

  9. If you pray to Jesus you are praying to your god. This god is described in several places in the New Testament As: "The Lawless One". It is widely believed by Christians they are praying to "The God" but they are not. The religion has been hijacked by this "Lawless One Named Jesus" and convinced that the law of Moses has been done away with. This is not what the bible teaches. In 50 places in the new testament, it tells us to obey the law of Moses and Christ Himself says we are to obey the Scribes and Pharisees who sit on the seat of Moses. Why is this happening? It is because Christian teachers do serve jesus and not Christ as found in the New Testament. For proof of this false, lawless Christian teaching See: Jesus: What's In A Name… Jesus A Jewish False Prophet… Not The Son… But A Magician…

  10. Kids are unaware. Selfish. Greedy. They never get their fill. They never sacrifice the now for later. You try to guide, teach, and recommend but they are stubborn. It becomes a battle of the wits. How can you make better circumstances and alleviate suffering when the kids are the ones causing the suffering. If left unbridled they become these human idiots we see now. Christ story is beautiful yes and Mary. Mary did not choose to get pregnant but she kept the child. Almost as if she did want to be the mother of Christ before she was aware. Then she followed him to the end. She and Joseph even had to guide Jesus back "home" when he would go and preach for the entire day. She stayed with him and watched him suffer to the end. What an agonizing story for both mom and son. You hear less about Joseph the dad. The Christ even rebuked Satan in his mom.

  11. Agree with many of your arguments but really want to say there is not widespread starvation? Estimated 850 million currently undernourished and approximately 10,000 people die per day of hunger and starvation isn’t a widespread problem. Yet world wants to call Covid-19 a pandemic. People aren’t viruses? Agree to disagree.

    “I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area and you… multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet; you are a plague and we are the cure.” -Mr. Smith

  12. Odin sacrificed himself to himself, not Zeus. Odin came before Christ. Odin is the All-Father. The thousand named God, Grimnir, Alfadr, The Wild Hunt.

  13. Ayahuasca has a lot of the oil that the pineal gland uses in order connect itself to the spiritual network (God). Your body used to be able to create that specific oil which the pineal gland depends on in order to be able stay connected to the universe, but for some reasons, after Eve and Adam ate the apple, we lost that ability to create that oil, no more. Some people are still able to create that oil till today, but it seems to be that your brain has to be malfunction a bit for your body to be able to be able to create that oil.

  14. JP I started listening to you about two years ago. I had zero education, I didn’t attend high school or finish college. I had three kids and was in a violent relationship where I was beaten weekly. I was an alcoholic and I didn’t do anything except drink and feel sorry for myself. I decided after reading your book to aim at something, i finished a bridging course to go to university, I am now finishing my first year of nursing with high distinctions, I quit drinking and I left a horrible relationship. I’ll get back to you when I graduate. Thanks Mr. P you saved me and my children.

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