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42 thoughts on “Brian Greene and Joe Rogan: Consciousness and Psychedelics
  1. Wow he has no clue how we are all one Consciousness experiencing this life subjectively lol. At least that's what I got out of DMT. Sounds like he got caught in a loop while having a ego death but didn't quite make it through lol. It's all about surrendering and letting go my friend.. by the way sugar? That's hilarious, thats definitely a placebo effect

  2. All the education in the world can’t teach you what you learn about yourself and consciousness from psychedelics.

  3. I really wonder what Brian greene took, he said it was smoked and lasted 8 hours… however his description of how he bought it sounds as if it was shrooms

  4. Hopefully in the near future psychedelic usage will be a common tool for great thinkers and scientists to help them see and figure out the challenges of their times.

  5. 1:32
    I think that question remanesce on the question "why does life exist?" because if conscious and humans are purely the evolution of random cells and antions organisms, then if whe found out the reason those cells existed, we will discover what's conscious is all about.

    Obs: And if those cells where originated by purely randomness, then we have our a answer, those "lights" he talk about got shich by purely randomness.

  6. consciousness is nonexistense. it flows through existence, it creates gravity, the void pulls on the forms. but consciousness itself is non-manifested, emptiness non-existence. when nothing exists, there is awareness.

  7. Brian is a breath of fresh air in an environment corrupted by irrational thought and emotional nonsense. Grounded and scientifically refreshing.

  8. Wow…he tried weed while in Amsterdam…what a trailblazer! Seriously tho, I sincerely hope this guy's view on consciousness is wrong. Quite a downer.

  9. Indian Vedic system, when white people will start explaining to the world, will become science and everyone will accept it. Western world is approaching the problem of consciousness in a laughable manner

  10. Maybe conciousness exist in the way gravity does… gravity manipulate reality to tell things how and where to move… consciousness exist to push the limits and potential of those things

  11. I think the brain is the reciever/processor for the greater MIND Akashic records. It is the tool to experience our material lives. When we die we are severed from the physical world but our soul lives forever on in the master database until we choose a new form to assume, and a new path to follow.

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