
Cognitive Liberty in the Era of Brain Hacking

Emerging technologies for accessing and altering the brain impacts our freedom to understand, shape, and define ourselves. Voluntarily choosing to take a performance-enhancing drug is quite different from being forcibly administered it. Adding brain-training games to our daily routines differs from being bombarded by deceptive marketing practices. Voluntarily confessing criminal activity to the police dramatically differs from having brain-encoded memories surreptitiously lifted from the brain. These differences are crucial to how we define and ultimately defend cognitive liberty.

The Aspen Institute


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2 thoughts on “Cognitive Liberty in the Era of Brain Hacking
  1. Motivation and making nerve integration in brain is huge important! Bolt is fast not because he is from Jamaica. He has played soccer with brother at mountain downhill near sea/ocean. Every time ball went down to water he would push himself (time 2 years or older) and brain understood it as important action. Those nerves allows his musles to run 35 km per hour.

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