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Conscious Politics – Part 1 – The Deepest Political Analysis You'll Ever Hear

How does politics & government intersect with spirituality? Why are our politics so dysfunctional? How do we create the best government?

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31 thoughts on “Conscious Politics – Part 1 – The Deepest Political Analysis You'll Ever Hear
  1. Though I think I'm getting the point made at around 1:39.00-1:41.30 regarding the relative nature of what's the best way to organise society and that many people need to understand the relative nature of morality, I do however, in the spirit of the key-principle of balance want to caution about what the Azteks called falling into one of the many traps on the slippery surface of the earth, namely the trap of what in some subjective evaluation might be called excessive relativism.

    Best for whom? Well, obviously for the people in any given society or if we expand our circle of concern, for the conscious beings in any given society. It may be asked: how do we determine what's best?, to which a utalitarian like my self might answer, whatever minimises the suffering and maximises the wellbeing for the conscious beings in any given society, to which a moral relativist and/or moral anti-realist might retort, that it is merely being assumed that minimising suffering and maximising wellbeing is good or/and moral, which of course she/he'd be correct in pointing out, but my point is this: though this might be a revelation for some, which it was at some point for many, my self included, but for those who do subjectively value minimising suffering and maximising wellbeing a natural question then arises how do we achieve this aim. While it may not be the only important question to ask ourselves in this situation, it is nonetheless a good starting point, or so I argue.

    While morality is relative and subjective in the sense that it is relative to any given subject, once we define our goal or aim, we could collectively tackle the question of how to best achieve this aim, and in so doing, arrive at objectively better and worse ways to achieve this aim, some of which we can find relatively reliable answers to through empirical or other means. With this philosophical approach we might gain some degree of clarity with regards to orienting ourselves in the moral and political landscape more effectively and lucidly.

    With this question in mind, assuming that spirituality or what we from a trans-personal and trans-rational understanding might call union with the devine or Self/God-realisation is one of the most effective means through which the amount of wellbeing increase for people, not only on an individual basis but also for the likelyhood of collective action conducive to optimal results for the collective or any given society, which I suspect most viewers of this YouTube-channel would have few qualms with, it then follows that an ideal society is by and large defined in terms of the extent to which it can create an invironment in which self transcendence ie. Divinity or God is widely accessible for the people in it. Although it is related we do of course got other shit to deal with also.

  2. How much did they pay you to sell your soul to progresism? How much was your rightwingship worth?!!!

    PD: Just joking hahaha. Rightwingship

  3. Dear Leo
    I hope you are well during this time…haven't heard from you in a while now. Wanted to thank you for all your wonderful content…makes even more sense in this time. A d I hope you re back soon….😀

  4. Oh man, I have been doing lots of note taking, research and contemplation for this series only so that I can do even more now that I have the all the theories somewhat covered. I am getting used to "doing the work" after years of going at it half assed… I notice that I am partly excited for these videos so that I can win political arguments and gain power just as the politicians and government I mistrust have done to get to their position. Paradox is so counter intuitive 😉

  5. I know enlightened people aren't supposed to be envious, but hey, I am human, so I am still working on that, right? I am more of a green with some blue trauma and I'm VERY yellow open and curious.

    So – anyone with me, wanting to be as cool, calm, and nerdy brainy as Leo is?? I am SO jelly!! Nothing is more attractive than a human with a brain – who can easily speak in articulate sentences about complex subjects.

  6. government is the biggest perpetrator of genocide! A historian invented the term democide to point this out. pretty much all u mention government does to protect they also perpetrate. qualtiy of judicial defense also depends on money in first world democracies (even in germany which is pretty left wing), getting rid of police and the judicial system is the most hardcore form of libertarianism anarchocapitalism. just some points u got blatantly wrong. I really recommend looking into a good libertarian book or at least talk to an educated libertarian.

    46:30 non aggresion principle is a principle.. so that principle is there.. and it means that ur not supposed to INITIATE violence. yes the non aggression principle must be enforced and it explains how to enforce it. with defensive violence instead of initiating violence. its the best principle to minimize violence and abuse of power. Sorry but u really dont get the principle and libertarianism. That u said "the non aggression principle must be enforced with aggression thats what goverment is about" proves u dont get the principle.

  7. so are you saying I cant watch this until I've watched 20 hours of other videos first what if I just watch this ??

  8. “Has No Border” Lets steal their stuff. Leo said it right here…yet liberals are hell bent on having the United States Practically invaded and given unlimited welfare.

  9. Easy: Politics/Governance is a mechanism through which humanity seeks to impose their preferred world-system onto others through the force of law. That is, through the threat of (ultimately, though often delayed) violent consequence in response to dissent.

    All humans have equal "rights" (if you can refer to them as such).

    Nobody, individually, has the so-called "right" to impose their will onto another, except in prevention of such an individual imposing THEIRS on another. In other words, the initiation of aggression is considered a non-preferable form of human interaction, on a personal level. It is only in response to already-initiated aggression that aggression may become preferable.

    One cannot delegate a so-called "right" to another, when neither the giver or receiver have such a right in the first place. (ex. I cannot hire somebody to rob you).

    Given the above, "the state" is an illegitimate control system. On which seeks to impose worldviews, and one which subsists upon robbery.

    I promise that I will never seek to impose my preferred system onto anybody else through the force of law. Can you do the same?

  10. I was about to comment on one of your videos "yeah yeah, personal development we get it, what about the rest?" then I saw this series. Great work.

  11. Maybe, but those times I tried to get involved during these times this is what happened to me. Power comes from the end of the gun-Mao and “Just Us.” Not an argument with Leo. Plus age wise, I am a dinosaur. Demo-craps and Republi-cants.🤷🏻‍♂️

  12. Time and again, is been proven, people can't or won't police themselves, especially when profit has priority over what's best for the majority. Capitalism must be kept out of health care insurance, Hospitals, big pharma, incarceration, higher learning, war and lobbying. WHY NOT elect lobbyists?? After all, they are the ones running the show

  13. This channel is what people should be binge-watching. I would, if I didn't have to worry about making a living! On thing I dislike about it, is catching up on all his videos! not enough hours in a day to absorb as much as I'd like. Can't wait for the tech needed to download information straight to the brain!!!! RIGHT OR WRONG, Leo has balls to put himself out there like this, especially on subjects that most people run from

  14. Krishna. Read about him and his why and how of Mahabharata. He said that because satvic people refuse to participate in "worldly affairs" that tamas rules

  15. I'm in a close relationship with a narcissist who won't stop at any cost to have power for the sake of having power. He plans to run for the president and he will and though you'd laugh I can bet he has a good chance (precisely cause he won't stop at nothing)
    Imagine a narcissist, power hungry, internally frustrated deluded man with gigantic control over money and influence.

    The worse, you cannot change them. I tried and it fucked me up inside out. They're so deluded your head starts to spin

  16. Nothing you offered in this series was new or original to me in any way! A fraud! And a very boring one, too. You are nothing special, actually I've met and debated hundreds of wannabe intellectuals like you.

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