Consciousness Videos

Consciousness: Not just a problem for philosophers | Dispatches from The Well Ep. 5

The Well

Consciousness isn’t just a problem for philosophers. On this episode of Dispatches, Kmele sat down with scientists, a mathematician, a spiritual leader, and an entrepreneur, all trying to get to the heart of “the feeling of life itself.”

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❍ New episodes of the Dispatches podcast releasing every Monday here on The Well
❍ Podcast Episode 4:

We’re diving deep into the “hard problem of consciousness.” Kmele combines the perspectives of five different scientists, philosophers, and spiritual leaders to approach one of humanity’s most pressing questions: what is consciousness?

In the AI age, the question of consciousness is more prevalent than ever. Is every single thing in the universe self-aware? What does it actually mean to be conscious? Are our bodies really just a vessel for our thoughts? Kmele asks these questions, and many more, in the most thought-provoking episode yet. This is Dispatches from The Well.

Featuring: Sir Roger Penrose, Christof Koch, Melanie Mitchell, Reid Hoffman, Swami Sarvapriyananda

Read the full video transcript:


❍ About The Well ❍

Do we inhabit a multiverse? Do we have free will? What is love? Is evolution directional? There are no simple answers to life’s biggest questions, and that’s why they’re the questions occupying the world’s brightest minds.

So what do they think?

How is the power of science advancing understanding? How are philosophers and theologians tackling these fascinating questions?

Let’s dive into The Well.


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32 thoughts on “Consciousness: Not just a problem for philosophers | Dispatches from The Well Ep. 5
  1. You knock on the door and don’t believe where you are at so you get directions. Then after walking around the block you knock again. Feeling relieved to have found the Vedanta Society.

  2. Vedic dharma start from Samkhya Multiple Consciousness but when yogis Further move in Meditation Sitting in the Caves of Himalaya …Yogis Realize The Final state of Meditation as Non dual state ~ KAIVALYA … one All Pervasive indivisible infinite bliss Consciousness and we all are reflecting in that one consciousness Brahman then YOG AND VEDANTA came in existence

    Brahman is not the subject of word and stories , Brahman is the subject of Realization …Pure Experience

  3. We have drawn our life and being from Consciousness at the time of the Big Bang.

    This is the perfect Consciousness of Loving Intelligence and Intelligent Love. IT is IMPULSES. These IMPULSES are the very basic energy, the MAINSPRING of all existence. This Consciousness is indeed within us, surrounds us, transcends us and can lift us in ever higher strata of spiritual ecstasy and ephemeral perception. This Consciousness is what many call "God," "Allah," "Jehovah," "Infinite Intelligence," "Divine Mind," "Divine Consciousness," "Universal Consciousness," the "Tao" – etc.

    It is within us and transcends us.

    But what humankind must fully realize is: that it is of such a high frequency of vibration, – so spiritually refined in meaning – that It cannot be drawn into our own human consciousness to make Itself known to us, until we begin to overpower the selfhood/personality and ascend in spiritual perception of Truth.

    The selfhood/personality is the barrier to Consciousness.

    Only the most systematic and persistent daily attempt to cleanse our human consciousness of negative thoughts and negative behavior, will make it possible for Consciousness to SEEP into our human consciousness bringing us new insight and perceptions. Illumined by new insight and perceptions, our thoughts, words and actions will begin to change.

    When we SEE things differently, we will begin to ACT differently.

    Our human consciousness is imperfect. It is fabricated out of selfish egotistical drives. Let not the selfhood/personality resist this valid statement. We are in no way to be blamed for this, because the selfhood/personality is divinely created in order for Consciousness to separate Itself into individual people. We need the selfhood/personality. It defends us and it draws to us what we need to survive BUT the selfhood/personality can overwhelmingly force an individual into behavior which is "sick" – psychologically speaking. You know that the selfhood/personality is the impulse behind all the crime in the world.

    I would have you know the selfhood/personality impels people into such deep-seated narcissism and self-interest that anyone trying to arouse in such a mind any empathy or sympathy, is sadly blocked. No matter what topic may be raised, inevitably, such egotistical, narcissistic people draw the topic back to themselves, how it affects them, how it concerns them exclusively, positively or negatively. Absorbed self-interest is like a thick dense fabric of consciousness energies sealing off the minds of people of every strata of  society in every part of the world.

    The degree of narcissism varies. Jesus and many others tried so hard to make us aware of narcissim because such narcissistic people cannot live in harmony with other people as they are incapable of hearing the messages from others. This, as much as the crime, causes our misery.

    Here is an allegory for you. Behold the the child playing in a sticky mud pit, making pies, covering himself with mud, enjoying every minute. The mother comes, exhorting the child to come and bathe and get ready to go to a party. The child fiercely resists, crying. Eventually, the mother has her way and the child, freshly groomed with hair shining and clad in smart party clothes enters the hall where the party is being held. The child stares in astonishment. The glorious lights! The brilliant shrubs and flowers! The tables loaded with delicacies, cakes and jellies. And all the presents and games and fun the other children are having. The heart of the child is filled with radiant joy. Laughter begins to well-up and fill his entire being. This is so much better than the mud pit! All the washing and the scrubbing was worth it. How glad the child is that he listened.

  4. 😂😂😂 I respect your channel a lot but this time you have failed to do your full research and have been fooled by Hindu propaganda. At 12:15 Conciouness and Hinduism?😂😂 It is a fraud and a lie. They try so hard to fabricate their image in the media with lies by stealing things from Buddhism so that people won't laugh or think of them as a backward society.
    As an Indian and a Sikh who believes in using their conscious mind to make decisions, I can tell you that Hindus promote yoga and meditation in the media but everyday they wake up and make life's decisions by enslaving their minds and worship BLACK MAJIC, SUPERSTITIONS, COWS, RATS, MONKEYS GOD AND MANY HUMAN GOD WITH 5 OR 7 ARMS. It is the opposite of using your conscious mind. instead, it is enslavement of your mind.
    They have less respect for a fellow human especially for a low cast Hindu and more respect for cows, rats and Monkey gods. So clearly their yoga and meditation has zero effect on them. How can these 2 different mindsets aling with each others?? They make zero logical sense.

  5. I think Koch is right, what it is isn’t esoteric. “This” is consciousness; like Sam harris says, anything that you’re experiencing, that “is”, is necessarily consciousness. There’s nothing else it could be, there’s nothing outside of it. (There isn’t a soul or some thinker of thoughts)

    What’s esoteric and hard is where it emerges from exactly and how to it works physically in our wet meat computer. IMO

  6. Trying to find the soul. Again. Belief "intruding" upon real-world. Sorry. Not real, just a manifestation of desire and survival. Electro-chemical action & reaction.

  7. 31:20 yeah he got prizes for the Hallucinations in outer space where no one can prove or disprove!
    He has nothing valuable and media, propaganda,….etc can’t make real scientists ! That only can make more illusions.

  8. I'm very happy to see Sir Penrose in the doc!! I really like some of his theories and he offers several interesting (IMHO) perspectives on cosmological cycles and other unusual matters… I really liked the deep clarity brought by a panel of guests of exceptional quality, I mean: Christof Koch, Swami Sarvapriyananda, Reid Hoffman, Melanie Mitchell… a really rich body of knowledge to investigate on The Hard Problem of Consciousness. As a first impression, I am happy with what I have seen, I hope to eventually be able to give another, more detailed, view on this. Thank you very much to you and your team!!!

  9. So pansychism is essentially a branch of pantheism , they are obviously dissimilar concerning their premise but the theme regarding each of these are really the same and that is all living matter are connected

  10. there is no mystery re 5:48 consciousness is an emergent phenomenon in biology. the mystery is the conditions that cause it. certain arrangements of matter allow it to emerge.

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