Consciousness Videos

Consciousness Roundz LIVE | Meditation, Science, And More


I had a pretty revealing meditative experience this morning, and I want to talk about it LIVE with you guys.

We talked about the nature of present-moment awareness, the possibility and ramifications of infinite, undivided consciousness, the medical applications of abandoning a solely materialist world view, and much more.

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28 thoughts on “Consciousness Roundz LIVE | Meditation, Science, And More
  1. omg! I'm so into this subject as well as other topics that are related. This is the 1st video of yours that I had ever stumbled upon. So I agree with what you say & also know where u got these thoughts & theories from. So u can imagine my surprise when I decided to see wat else u had going on on ur channel. omg! I clicked on the Tylor Swift parody and I am so glad that I did. I have watched a ton of ur content now but you can imagine I thought u were serious guy. based on his video. I love it. so great! love it!

  2. I read that Descartes, knowing that being precedes thinking, revised his statement to "I am therefore I am" in frustration over critics apparently not understanding what he meant. I can't find the reference but it included his statement about this. However it is only his original goof that is remembered.

  3. I've definitely had similar experiences with medatation with jaw harp, psychedelics and other drugs I tried in my 20s…it's strange how there's such a close relationship.

  4. your definition of humanity actualized sounds a whole lot like true Christianity. Christianity has been so skewed over the years by legalism, radicals, organizations, etc. When the true essence of it is that God created this whole earth, created our bodies for our eternal souls to inhabit and we are called to love, serve, forgive, and be with one another. Of course we are imperfect, so God inhabited a human body named Jesus to go through what we go through, but perfectly, being the scapegoat for our souls to one day live in pure eternal bliss. that is all 🙂

  5. What a fascinating discussion. I've meditated most of my life and have had some amazing experiences,such as melting into my surroundings,where I'm no longer self but part of everything. As to anesthesia,I was going to get an EGD. One thing I learned to do in meditation was to stop myself from feeling hungry by "grabbing" with my mind a thin wire and pulling it. Well,I could hear my heartbeat before my Doc came in via the monitor and it was super fast, So I mentally grabbed the wire and slowed my heartbeat down. Once the drug went in,I remember nothing till I woke up for my colonoscopy (which I wanted to happen,so I could watch it)..Yet I know my GI Doc had directed me to swallow the scope,but try as I may,I can't access that memory. Could you have an anesthesiologist on to discuss states of consciousness as it pertains to different types of anesthesia?

  6. I’m so glad you’re on this journey. I’ve been on this for years. Please tell what books you are interested in and reading !!! Or anyone new in this consciousness realm journey

  7. Hey Z, can you post in the Community tab when you are planning to do Live Streams? I would have loved to join this convo!

  8. Damn Zdog…droppin knowledge on those still unawakened in the matrix. I'm amazed how much interest you get on this topic because when I touch upon this topic, with my healthcare peers I get blank stares. It's so encouraging because sometimes I think the masses just want to stay sleep.
    As an RN and 15 year meditation practitioner taught by a realized person, I've had every experience you've mentioned. The most recent peak experience lasted 3-4 days without knowledge of individual self, without thinking. The body interacted with others and it, me in my body, just knew stuff about others, it was like I could read their minds but with full awareness people were acting, they had forgotten their infinite self-this was direct intuition. At night I would lay down but not sleep. There was nothing but awareness of vast infinite love, knowledge and light. There were things that were perceived as completely normal and true, that after coming down from that experience, I'm completely amazed with. Like the illusion of the material world, the vastness of life within the material universe, the fact that space and time are bullshit, and that absolutely nothing is separate from pure consciousness. I was deeply disappointed coming back from that space, yet super encourage that a normal person like myself was super blessed enough to know that this unitary experience is absolutely real and attainable in our ultra externalized society. Keep dropping these truth bombs.

  9. Very cool discussion. How does this idea of consciousness relate to people with Alzheimer's, dementia and/or delirium? Are these people's experiences more or less valid than mine and yours? In a previous discussion you had said that we see the world not how it actually is, but in a way that helps us survive it. Are these people seeing beyond "the Matrix"? Or are they seeing a further distortion of reality? Are these people seeing the world as it really is?

  10. Dear ZDogg, following Dr Hoffman led me to your channel, well thank you indeed for interviewing him as well as for this show about the most fundamental question we have to ask ourselves: what is consciousness (the hard problem of science) and the nature of reality? Shine on and keep up the great work👍

  11. Riveting!!!!! I’m So into this subject. I haven’t dreamed in 10yrs. And I did have very vivid dreams nightly and one day it stopped. Or I don’t remember?

  12. Is your experience a selfish being of reality, or do you know how to move energy, unlike manipulation of Taft minds that do not comprehend commercialism, but can you see energy and be able to transform it?

  13. Zdogg! I hope you see this. I have adhd also and thank you so much for recommending the mind illuminated. I can not stress how much it has helped. I have even given multiple copies of it away

  14. ‘the brain is an instrument that thought finds useful’.. i believe that was aldous huxley.. scribbled it in a notebook 40ish years ago and still can recall the quote and how it changed the course of my brain development. thanks aldous!

  15. Hey of course you're hopping mad , or is that hoping mad? Which is not that unusual in medical professions . Yet rest assured you make more sense than many in that field . It is of course quite impossible to decide wether the path you take is more motivated by the existential anxiety and stress your craft entails or wether your craft and experience in the field has endowed you with a glimpse of valuable sharable wisdom.
    Being (sometimes) optimistic I choose the later but being somewhat lazy( and very often pessimistic) I have tended to favor the psychedelic approach which did offer me some some very transient thrills and a few very negligible ( in rearview) downs . The only problem I see here is that all things being equal here there is little point to work either way except to bring about some more or less transient feeling of wellbeing as if the path to wholeness was if fact quite comparable to Alzheimers .
    Just kidding keep up the good work, whatever that might mean .

  16. Are trees and carrots conscious (and other plants)? Do they suffer when you cut them or pull them from the ground? I think of this sometimes. They have chemical reactions to stimuli, are they similar to nerve cells reaction, but slower.

  17. i'm a FB supporter, but is it better for you monetarily if i become a YT supporter instead? just wondering . . . also, i friggin LOVE it when you talk about this subject, I LOVE IT, so interesting. i'm re-listening to the hoffman video, and i think it may take a few listenings . . . thanks for introducing me to this subject (and to sam harris). after 22 years in the ICU and then ER, now on "sabbatical" for the last 16 months . . . i needed healing from my very real moral injury, and meditation and learning about consciousness has helped me tremendously. thank you Z

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