
Cubism – Overview from Phil Hansen

Created by Artist Phil Hansen. Text “studio” to 31996 to get updates from the studio.



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34 thoughts on “Cubism – Overview from Phil Hansen
  1. Decent video, very well narrated. Could be better. As usual, Braque gets sidelined. Cubism is my favourite form of art, though I started out with Surrealism and fell madly for Impressionism.

    Also, I hate to be picky, but the painting at 2:30 is actually an example of 'Purism'.

  2. Well done Phil. In a matter of 6 minutes or so you have captured
    with essence of cubism in a colourful, musical and soulful way. Albert Gliezes
    and Mainie Jellett (from Ireland) are two of my favourite artists. Jellett in
    particular, in the face of much opposition, ensured that cubism and
    abstractionism eventually were embraced in our country.

  3. Could anyone recommend me some good cubist books? I don't mean books about cubism but books written in that style. Thanks alot, great video.

  4. This video is quite a lovely one in itself. The way you describe cubism is highly understandable and well spoken. As I am selecting to do research on this topic for my Ap Lang class, your video is a very useful resource. Thank you. I hope to attempt to paint in a cubist style soon after I complete my personal studies on the topic for my selected course.

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