
Daniel Dennett vs Philip Clayton – philosophy, science, and religion


A conversation on topics of philosophy, science, and religion between Daniel Dennett and Philip Clayton. Sorry for the bad video quality; the audio is good.


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30 thoughts on “Daniel Dennett vs Philip Clayton – philosophy, science, and religion
  1. great video. I don't see the point of Dennett's change blindness example. The way i'd want to use the term 'qualia,' it's definitely the case that your color qualia didn't change until you "noticed" the color difference. because 'qualia' is supposed to cover what shows up in conscious experience. whether the brain is processing more information than we consciously perceive (e.g. a difference between the two colors) does not touch the issue of qualia, i think?

  2. Totally. Just say where you disagree, or believe there is disagreement. Not a great conversation for him I think. It seemed to me what they were disagreeing about was origin and they just danced around it for an hour.

  3. I think Dennett's point was just that people disagree about how the term is used, and one of the 1/3rd groups he was talking about would undoubtedly agree with your usage.

    One alternative view could be that the qualia changed, but you simply weren't able to react to them changing. The appeal of this view would be that your qualia would reflect reality continuously, while the view you presented would have to explain why only partial changes make it to conscious experience

  4. I'm sure that particular point isn't the biggest problem with qualia though. It's not like it would be extremely hard to dream up circuits which exhibited both types of errors. It's much harder to drive people's intuitions about why cells pulsing would lead to any kind of subjective experience at all. =)

  5. That's what I like about Dennett so much. He really doesn't let anything "fly", he reduces the argument fully. I laughed once when he was debating Dinesh De Souza and when he got the podium he just shook his head and said "ohhhhh Dinesh, where do I even start there was so much wrong that entrie opening statement" and proceeded to give up his speech to rebut every Dinesh had said lol. I love how he doesn't let them Lane Craig their way through arguments.

  6. 3- These guys are teaching our kids at universities, they are Not crazy, Yet News Media are Not allowed to talk about it because of our beloved friend Saudi's. Quran only promotes the Religion of Abraham,The Nation of Abraham "Submission" and God commands to all Prophets to follow Abraham's Nation, and calls so called religions as "Parties" NOT Religions. The ones who claimed the Quran Rejected those Mathematical Signs that is why they are at war revolutions poverty, and ugly name of Terrorists

  7. 2- It means if you Add or Subtract any letter or change any verse # or chapter # it would be easily exposed. Muslim fanatics, Al Qaeda assassinated him In AZ. Then ever since 1989 a Physicist, Professor at LSU has been discovering The Ultimate Mathematics in the Quran. Again his discovery actually Generates the Arabic Quran! There are 1500 pages of scientifically documents which have been undergone scientific scrutiny for 38 years by many people all around the world and no flaws could be found

  8. 1-Did you know 29 chapters in the Quran starts with initials like Q, N, ALM, ALR,..No one did not have any clue about them. 38 years ago an American Biochemist feed the whole Quran into a main frame computer while he was working for Anheuser-Busch to analyze these Initials. Quran 74:30 Chapter Hidden Secret says "This Quran is over #19" after 4 years computer showed that the repetitions of those initials in each chapter is divisible by #19 His discovery purified the Quran from any distortions

  9. Some questions:
    What is the significance of letters like Q, N, ALM, etc? Why was that important enough for anybody to care about?
    He "fed the whole quran into a main fram computer to analyze the initials"? What does that mean? Was there a program written specifically to analyze letters in the quran?
    What does "The Quran is over #19" actually mean, and how do get that from translation?
    After 4 years? Computers do not take that long.
    Divisible by 19? So?
    Purified the Quran? What, and how?

  10. "If you Add or Subtract any letter or change any verse # or chapter # it would be easily exposed."
    You can come up with any message you like by doing that. It's been shown time and time again in all sorts of irrational conspiracy theories.
    He's been discovering "The ultimate mathematics", in the quran? How? And what does that even mean?
    His discovery "generates" the Arabic Quran? By what method? Through a computer?

  11. Actually, I was implying that none of it means anything, and it's a waste of time to think about… The Truth is found through rationality and clear thinking, not coming up with some meaningless 'decoding' process and assuming it's going to give you any meaningful answers.

  12. Sure you can believe that we went to the Moon and Marc through Rationality and Clear Thinking" ….
    But others think that we went there through Science and Mathematics and Physics.
    Everything around us is made of 2 numbers Zero and One, Binary, our water gas electricity controlled by 01 your car banks supper market computer TV and … Our Creator is getting our attentions to Mathematics mother of all silences. And now we have a tangible proof that the Arabic Quran is the Untouched Message of God

  13. Nothing around us is made of ones and zeros. All of Mathematics is a model we use to describe our observable reality and nothing more. It is the most powerful tool we have, but its still only a model.

    Do not confound the description of reality with reality itself. Saying reality is made of ones and zeros is like saying that René Magritte's painting of a pipe is a real pipe.

  14. God arranged for our generation that everything around us work only with 2 numbers Zero and One, binary! Our water electricity gas TV computer automobile supermarket bank travels..are controlled by 0 & 1. Cuz HE was going to show us HIS mathematical signs in the Arabic Quran. Now we have scientifically proven scripture proves Quran is the only Untouched message of God. We Do Not have to listen to any conjectures. Truth has prevailed and falsehood will be perished. Media are not allowed to talk!

  15. Why do people say God did this, God did that, God arranged this. What??????  Did you talk to God? NO, you didn't. And any religion that says other religions are wrong or are not the way to GOD is Hippocratic to their own Religion. Concintrate on your own religion and perfect it until you put down other peoples beliefs. Faith, Blessed. Look it up!

  16. Daniel Dennett is proof that science and the arts can both help the cause of secularism. Philosophy is a science but is also one of the many art forms. I am an artist. An amateur comedian. Often when I tell religious jokes people especially those on the fence laugh. But laughter pales in comparison to the thinking process that develops in my mind and the minds of the listeners. Secularists philosophy is needed more now than ever before. Now more than ever in history it has the opportunity to reach accepting ears. Sorry Professor Krauss! Your a great secularist physicist but the arts can help our cause more than ever before.

  17. 19:00 Clayton seems to keep trying to assert a disagreement where none exists. Two descriptions of a system can differ without being in disagreement; if he isn't failing to see that, then I can't understand what he's talking about.

  18. Clayton completely dodged that last question about what would it take to change his mind about there being a God. He had no answer to that because he knows nothing can change his mind, but was too embarrassed to admit it.

  19. im a theist and i didnt think dennett was disrespectful…actually i quite like him…special because he's the only philosopher among the New atheism founders which makes him the only one qualified enough to talk about matter of philosophy, existence and religion.

  20. They seemed to totally agree on everything. Except perhaps their degree of agreement. Clayton seemed to think he had a different view of "ultimate reality" than Dennett, but I could not ( nor it seemed, could Dennett ) grasp what the difference was.

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