
Dave Allen on the Vagaries of the English Language


From Dave’s 1990 series on the BBC. I made some movie titles to explain the context. .


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38 thoughts on “Dave Allen on the Vagaries of the English Language
  1. Thank you for sharing that video. I remember watching when I was a little bit younger lol. However, this time I thought I may never breathe again lol. I had tears gushing in a torrent down my face lol. He was a rare talent, may his God bless him. ???????

  2. Dave Allen is one of those people I would not want to have grown up without.
    I think ever generation needs somebody like him to nudge them in the right direction, and to teach them to think for themselves.

    … but maybe that's just me.

  3. Though we adored him, Dave Allen clearly hated Aussies. We went to see him perform. Every second word was 'f–k' & he performed 90% of the night with his back turned. As soon as he voiced the punchline, he turned his back until he was ready for the next gag. Not a single smile from him all night….just a face like thunder. He didn't come again & we wouldn't have made the same mistake. better to remember his TV shows with the eye twinkle & the cheeky grin. :/

  4. I remember discovering old Dave Allen skits being run late at night on some obscure cable channel. I became an instant fan and watched for several years trying to see them all. He managed to be irreverent about so many issues yet closed with "may your god go with you " . How many today are willing to recognize that this planet has many different faiths? You follow yours and let everyone else follow theirs, wonderful solution but way to many groups try to impose their beliefs on everyone else.

  5. One of the most underrated Irishman ever, i so miss his half hour shows where he sipped his whisky/ginger ale & held his smoke between his stunted finger, swapping it from one hand to the other as he regaled us with his genius.. good times.

  6. Outstanding virtue never dies, it lives on through people with morality. "What is freedom of speech, if it cannot offend then it is not free speech." – Salman Rushdie.

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