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Do we live in a multiverse? | The Economist

The Economist

It has long been thought that our universe is all there is, but it is possible we may live in just one of many. This is the second in our six-part series on unsolved mysteries in science. Read the accompanying article:

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When the ancients looked into the night sky they thought the heavens revolved around the earth and mankind. over the centuries this view has changed radically.

We discovered we lived on a planet orbiting a star within the solar system and the solar system was found to be part of the Milky Way galaxy. Later we learned that our universe was filled with billions of other such galaxies – but could it be that we’re committing the same error as our ancestors by thinking the universe contains everything there is? Could it be that we live in a multiverse?

There are a number of different theories about what the multiverse could be. One proponent of the idea of the multiverse is Dr Tegmark of MIT. Dr Tegmark suggests a four fold classification of possible types of multiverse. The first type of multiverse is just an extension of what we already know our universe expanding into infinity rather than ending at the limits of our vision.

We can look back almost to the beginning of time to the edge of the observable universe, but we can see no further. So the space beyond that distance known as the Hubble radius is literally out of sight. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything there.

Because the expansion of the universe has stretched space, astronomers are able to see out to a distance of about 42 billion light years. How far things extend beyond this is unknown. If they stretch to infinity there could be numerous isolated universes cut off from one another by their own Hubble radius – depending on the observers vantage point.

To understand the second type of multiverse in Dr Tegmark system it is first necessary to understand how the universe was formed and the theory of inflation. It was first conceived of by Alan Guth in 1979 and then later refined and expanded upon by Andrei Linde who had some key insights.

This is one of the ideas of string theory which attempts to unify general relativity with quantum mechanics. The thinking is that all of the solutions produced by string theory that don’t match up with what we can see in our own universe, may actually represent reality in other universes.

The anthropic principle is the idea that our universe is fine-tuned to allow humans to live. A small fiddle with the strength of gravity for example and life as we know it would not exist – a coincidence that does not sit easily with scientists. The concept of a multiverse neatly addresses this problem within the infinite number of universes that could exist we are simply living in the one we are able to.

In the third type Dr Tegmark multiverse in the first the laws of physics are the same from one to another. In this type though the component universes are separated not by distance but by time. At every moment within such a multiverse all of the possible futures allowed by the uncertainties of quantum mechanics actually happen.

In the many worlds theory of the multiverse the entirety of the universe acts like the quantum photon, but instead of having two potential future states, every possible outcome would be manifested so our entire universe and everything within it, including you, would be constantly undergoing multiple visions into daughter universes – each with its own reality and future. Any given observer though would only see one outcome.

In the final classification, the level 4 multiverse, Dr Tegmark proposes that all coherent mathematical systems describe a physical reality of some sort. Those different systems are of necessity different universes. What this last idea translates to in practice is hard to conceive of – it is more the province of metaphysics than physics, but the other three types of multiverse though they push the bounds of physical theory do not overstep them. Observational data supporting the theory of inflation have convinced some scientists that a multiverse is possible – but the idea is still controversial.

It may be impossible to ever directly observe the multiverse but some scientists hope to eventually gather enough data supporting the theories that predict it to one day confirm its existence. If that were to happen, like the ancients before us, we would be given a whole new perspective on how the cosmos works and on our place in it.

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32 thoughts on “Do we live in a multiverse? | The Economist
  1. List of known Multiverses/Earths

    1. This "earth." The earth that we live in now. Where it is mundane. Boring. Uninteresting. You have retard people here, who shove their faces into their smart phones. You have a "president" who is a known retard with little hands and drinks his sippy cup using both said hands. The people are sensitive to anything (i.e. religion, sexual orientation, race) when it comes to making a joke. A healthcare where it is fucked up as is the justice system. The inhabitants of this "earth" are stupid as fuck. Dumb-fuck tech companies running roughshod, paying bills? Like I said. This earth is boring with nothing to show for it.

    2. Earth-2. You don't have any of those things on the first list. But on Earth-2, science is the new religion (no. i'm not talking about "scientology," you idiots) advance medicine cures all known ailments such as cancer, the justice system is NOT broken. Healthcare doesn't cost you a damn penny, you still have the same president as "earth-1" but he has intelligence. People still shove their faces in their smart phones, self-driving cars are now the norm. Self-sufficient energy, everything runs on batteries including self-driving vehicles, there is no gas, no sales taxes, no taxes whatsoever, roads can repair themselves by use of nanobots, buying a house can cost you $1,000.00. etc. Starting a tech company from scratch is considered to be illegal and a violation. NASA has created the first-ever base in Mars where the population is now climbing to a whopping 250,000

    3. Earth-3. You have the technological advancements in medicine, however, it is 1980. cell phones exist in that world. People drive delorians, Ronald Regan is the president, the cold war continues, the AIDS epidemic has been wiped out, The Berlin Wall is not destroyed, Cuba becomes the new super power, while in Russia, people have been experimented on. Creating new Super Humans

    4. Earth-4. Britain wins WWIII. "america" becomes part of the United Kingdom Empire as is Canada. Where a person is labeled "King" or "Queen." not president. The Economic system skyrockets. Instead of US Dollars, now people use pounds. Mod fashion is the new lifestyle, 3 out of the 4 Beatles members are still alive. The UK Wrestling scene dominates all of the world, not the "wwe." The White House becomes the Royal Castle.

    5. Earth-5. "millenials." Where their tech companies rule the world. Everything is convenient for them. No healthcare system (they pay with their own pockets) california becomes the riches state in the world next to New York. Those who are 20 years of age, have their intelligence accelerated, while the people who are of old age are homeless. The United States becomes the most expensive country to live (Japan and all of Asia are a close second) The inhabitants of Earth-5 are always conscious about their looks. using social media is the new pastime as is online gaming. In other words, they are vain. They have a president who is 25 years old. And is a transsexual.

    6. EARTH-X. The Nazis won World War II. "america" has been destroyed as is Britain. Adolph Hitler assumes control of this Earth until his death (illness). Paving the way for his children to take control of the Nazi Empire and the New World. 2018, Adolph Hitler III becomes the Fuhrer of New America. africa, afghanistan, all middle east countries have been destroyed. People who are of skin color are publicly executed. Those who are born gay, lesbian, have an illness are also executed. California has been used as a giant concentration camp. (later, the Nazi Regime closed down the camp and sank california). The Occult is running rampant in this world. Religion is dead, the vatican church has been turned into a new castle for Hitler III. Disclaimer: I would advice caution not to go to this Earth for any reason other than for scientific purposes ONLY

    7. EARTH-D. The Dead Earth. In 2018, scientists discovered a new, mutated strain of the Ebola Virus (Codename: EV-402) that came from Africa and has since spread through out the world (South America, Asia, the UK, North America, etc.) and is not a curable disease. Flesh-Eating zombies have consumed most of the population of that world, reducing said population to about 250,124 and dropping rapidly. Food and water are now a rare thing in that world with 25% chance of survival. All of this Earth's Heroes are dead. Disclaimer: I would advice caution not to go to this Earth for any reason other than for scientific purposes ONLY

    8. EARTH-666. Black Magic dwells in this world. I labeled this world, "Dark World" because sorcerers destroyed the sun. It is always night time in this world 24/7. Witches, vampires, mages, werewolves, and others exist in this world. Devil Worship is the norm. Catholicism, Christianity and all other forms of religion have been twisted (Jesus Christ is the first vampire. Now he has taken the name "Cain.") The economy in this world is non-existent. There are no governing laws, nor governing bodies. The people defy the laws of physics. This is the world where the imagination takes form and alters realities. As is EARTH-X and EARTH-D, this Earth is also extremely volatile. Rumors of an impending war between Earth-5 and Earth-666 is already coming to fruition.
    Disclaimer: I would advice caution not to go to this Earth for any reason other than for scientific purposes ONLY

  2. Would dark matter or wimps travel only one direction?

    I guess we wont know, until they are seen. But perhaps wimps are some form of communication within space and time?
    Could it be the data that time witnesses, of all matter?

  3. More rambling musings from cosmologists. I'm not saying they aren't extremely intelligent people. However, these guys are speculating all over the place. When you don't know, have some balls and just say so.
    It's easy:
    1. "I"
    2. "don't" or "do not"
    3. "know"
    4. "." or "!"

  4. So…an infinite number of pocket universes (from inflation), each of which divides into extraordinary numbers of universes at every moment (from quantum events). The next question is: how many universes can you fit on the head of a pin? All of these universes–except the one single universe we live in at the moment–are imaginary. There is no direct observational evidence for all these other universes, and there are no experiments we can run to test claims made about all these other universes. These other universes have the same metaphysical or ontological status as angels. Someday we might get direct evidence for these other universes, but until then we need to put these theories into the class of "philosophy."

  5. What if fictional universes that we know in our universe could exist in seperate dimensions thus other universes or we might be cartoons or be living in a fictional universe in other universes

  6. I believe this multiverse stuff is an elaborate throwing up the hands into the air, because it explains a kind of fine tuning problem by formulating a non-observable theory. 1. we don't know why the universe appears to be "fine tuned", 2. we cannot get rid of this "fine tuning problem", not by speculating about the unobservable, nor by asserting the existence of an unobservable supernatural power.

  7. Hypothetical

    You are walking down a road when you come to its end and ahead of you are three other roads (versions) to choose from. The road on the left is home to Theologists, the middle road is home to Atheists, the road on the right is home to Science Theorists.

    You pick any one of the three to continue to walk down.

    What happened to the future events you would have experienced had you walked down one of the other two roads?

    And what happened to the future events you would have had if you had simply turned around and then went back the way you came from?

    Life is not straightforward linear, it is not two or three-dimensionally Euclidean, it is not black or white, it is not yes or no, it is not or on or off or positive & negative digital.

    And each and every one of us, have to walk a mile in our own shoes and make our own choices along all of the roads that are ahead of us.


  8. What if our entire universe is a moving dynamic entity inside a higgsfield?
    Would it not then appear as if the whole universe manifested at a certain pace in a certain region, before moving on?

  9. NO! They made that up. Man is silly sometimes. We can't even get out of our own solar system, much less our galaxy and we're already predicting there are multiverses. LOL

  10. Just to ask the authors of some of the comments below: if God created the universe(s), who (or what) created God? And this Big Bang theories and Einsten's theories are just theories: we don't have yet the technology to prove them. It's only "Maybe this…" and "Maybe that…"

  11. I think distance is an illusion in the universe, high speed travel & time travel capability will make it much smaller for us…. I think there is a great, great, great central sun at the beginning of creation & everything is built around it & it is the source of all creation & outside of creation is infinite space….

  12. I can't believe people can believe in the big bang but not a higher intelligence creator. We see intelligence all around us creating all the time. We have it ourselves. We use it all day. Have we ever seen evidence of something out of nothing? Any evidence of how life began other than RNA theories that depends on faith in something as contrary to entropy as luck+time=human genius than are so brilliant we can do almost as much as what we envision god could do? We can do MORE than humans used to envision god could do! And human consciousness with all its emotional complexity, just popped up one day… like the big bang, out of nowhere for no particular reason? A dude like Einstein just became by luck? Personally I believe we can't see past the edge of the visible universe, nor can we see further down than the plank length because the whole material universe is an illusion so what ELSE could our minds create other than fuzziness at both extremes. There was no big bang, it violates every law of physics and is just a plastic ribbon on the otherwise delicious cake called physics so physicists can die thinking they got it all. And that's why our minds created the big bang just like it created the invisible edge and the plank length. Our minds demand answers and we will find them, create them, and believe them. We used to make due with god, now we make due with science, but both end up at the exact same spot.. our universe sprung up from either 'at infinitely dense energy' or a 'being of infinite wisdom'… you really see a difference!? Both are infinite and contain all that every has been and will be. Or are you're gonna tell me that infinitely dense energy before the big bang was somehow disconnected from what it became? That is wasn't pre-programmed to become the universe? That it didn't 'know itself'?! Look.. we had newton, we thought we had it all. Then came the quantum, we think we have it all. What that means is very likely we don't have it all and quantum mechanics is just another amazing science that works only within ranges, and some of those ranges classical doesn't work either, it takes a third.

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