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Does Your Mind Create The Universe? | Answers With Joe

Joe Scott

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In 2005, Robert Lanza introduced the theory of Biocentrism to the world. Using quantum mechanics and tests like the double-slit experiment, he argues that consciousness creates the universe and not the other way around.

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43 thoughts on “Does Your Mind Create The Universe? | Answers With Joe
  1. I've had the same type of dream with vivid details in which I was a native american out on a hunt and my village is attacked by a rival tribe. When I get to my hut my wife and child are dead and I get attacked from behind while staring at them. The last thing I experience is a drop of water continuously dripping into a puddle but every drop is as loud as a bomb falling. It turns out that was one of if not my most recent death. Energy never ceases to exist. There have been documented cases of people receiving an organ transplant like the guy that received another mans heart and he also got memories and specific traits and preferences from the donor. I believe you carry all your past lives as memories. That's why you have "old souls" and "young souls".

  2. I know we live in a culture that pooh poohs liberal arts and all, but honestly, I wish more scientists would bother to study philosophy. Much of this theory is just an update of Immanuel Kant.

  3. we interpreted the universe and are made up of particles. our experience is electro-magnetic and photonic. reactive avoidance might cause quantum effects or crazy in the worst ways.

  4. Stupid theory: If things don’t exist until they’re observed and we assume that life exists elsewhere in the universe, perhaps it’s expansion can be attributed to aliens closer to the outer edges observing the universe and so pushing it out further. This then opens up more space for life to be created and so on. I’m not an expert in anything and I’m not pretending to be but perhaps the best way to disprove this theory is focus our attention to areas closer to the centre of the universe to find signs of alien life as they would accordingly have been existing the longest and there would be a higher concentration. If we can’t find evidence then this idea is disproven and I’m wrong (which is probably the case anyway, I hardly know what I’m talking about).

  5. I do find all this interesting. I don't understand it………. Thank you for all these interesting subjects.

    Question for you: do you actually understand all these subjects you read.
    Just curious?

  6. I once had a dream and i knew that i was in one. I remember I slapped and pinched myself so that i could wake up. So I think dream has nothing to do with reality.

  7. You don't need a concious observer to collapse a wave function, any other interaction with a quantem system would collapse one wave function. True probability waves only exist in parts of space where particles can't interact with other particles.

  8. they should do a test to see if cats can stabilize quantum things. like perform whatever quantum test, have the cat observe the results, and then us observe the results. or something like that

  9. If a tree falls in the woods, and there's no-one there to hear it, does it make a sound?
    If Joe's kitchen is downstairs, and no-one is there to observe it, does it really exist?

    What if the universal life density is spaced and limited to only as far as they are able to observe? Each life form cannot see another life form, but only the allowed observable space. We'd each see a portion of the universe, but never the whole, but all life forms together could observe the whole universe.

  10. Real or not suffering in this universe is real to our minds. This is a good enough reason to treat the universe AS real, and ignore the underlying concepts. Reminds me of an old film “Dark City” in which aliens conduct experiments altering reality every night on human subjects, until to their horror they discover some humans have far greater potential for imagination than they do.

  11. There's a broader interpretation that I like. Basically, your kitchen still exists because you have an experience of your kitchen and, more broadly, because I have a concept of kitchens existing and downstairs. So in this interpretation, the more we learn about the universe, the more universe exists as a reality. Taking this to its furthest, this goes beyond time and brings the big bang into a defined state. This is where we get sayings like "we are the universe sensing itself". Most people wouldn't say that the big bang and quantum particles didn't exist until we thought of them, but rather that they would have no sense imposed on them without consciousness. Like how you and I didn't really get the idea of being born until after we'd grown up and learned about the birds and the bees. The universe existed, but not in a meaningful way until meaning had been given to it (or deciphered, depending on who you talk to).

  12. No Joe, if a particle disappears when observed, then it did not exist in the first place. The entire universe is fields and fields are not particles. All the double slit experiment proves is that they have no idea what they observed

  13. I believe at least some of this is true and only reinforces my belief in God……remember science is a religion too. If you don't think so, maybe you should give it some more thought.

  14. Our mind is a stage of actors not owned by us.

    Every word, and every movement on the stage
    is a channel for the mind and inspiration of one of only two authentic original characters;
    the 'Good guy' and the' bad guy';
    Jesus Christ, and satan.
    We watch the performance
    and we may believe we are an authentic, original character, but we never are.

    Where do thoughts, dreams, temptations, or even voices

    that we do not create

    come from?

    Fallen and un-fallen messengers; angels

    perform on the stage of the mind

    sometimes as themselves,

    with or without a costume,

    but almost always through you, and I, and every actor

    on behalf of the inspiration of the original characters.

    We have been taught

    that the mind is our identity,

    but the fact is that our identity

    is our love of Truth,

    or the absence thereof,

    no matter what happens on the stage.

    The original Character Jesus

    is the Inspiration of God; Truth.

    Co-Producer; Creator with the Father;

    Jesus creates and owns

    the stage, the script, and every actor,

    as well as the other original character satan;

    who is the absence and enemy of Truth.

    We have never created

    one original word of script in our entire lives,

    and we never will

    for all eternity.

  15. 'If I'm not looking at it, it doesn't exist.'
    I feel like this is a statement you could then use with this logic. I think this logic is flawed.

  16. Things like this you could never get your head around. not yet in evolution, this is what makes science so interesting you never get all the answers together at once.

  17. Mind (the Word of God) does create the universe.
    Humans are the only being in the universe with not only awareness, but also the ability to bear children.
    Repent and do not fall for the lies of satan that teach that you are God.

  18. How individual is consciousness? Is there anything other than my consciousness, yours and anybody that we interact with? Any diferent form? In my consciousness my kitchen exists, if i could and choose to forget it, nothing would bring it back to the universe? I don't want the work, at least….

  19. Love everything that you explain. But in this one they are a little off. We are the last to get here… thus everything was here before we got here. So thus, we cannot have constructed it.

  20. My intuition has always been that reality is as if you had a TV trying to play several channels at the same time. Static. We are like the characters of one of these TV shows. We our tuned into a certain channel and can only see and interact with things inside our channel.

  21. It may be true. It would explain many things. Point is, as you said, that it cannot be disproved (or proved), so it is practically irrelevant. Actually, if it were true, the whole concept of truth would be irrelevant.
    Last but not least, is humankind consciousness creating the universe? Or maybe just one human? In that case he/she would be the one reading this comment, I guess.
    Fascinating, anyway.

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