
Epic Debate: Hitchens, Harris & Dennett vs Boteach, D'Souza, & more #religiondebate #newatheists

Answers in Insanity

La Ciudad de las Ideas conference in Puebla, Mexico on November 8, 2009.

Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, and Daniel Dennett face off against Shmuley Boteach, Dinesh D’Souza, Robert Wright, and Nassim Taleb.

This video has been edited down to just the main speakers of the conference and the audio has been corrected to stereo sound.

Remember kids: Religion is a delusion!



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44 thoughts on “Epic Debate: Hitchens, Harris & Dennett vs Boteach, D'Souza, & more #religiondebate #newatheists
  1. Dinesh: "God is outside of space and time" .
    Well that means god is nowhere in space and never was at anytime. Simply put, god does not exist!

  2. I don't think I have ever heard a more one-sided debate where the atheists completely wipe the floor with the theists. I mean at one point the Christian said that "We live longer in spite of the family doctor," as if he had never heard of vaccinations. Dinesh sets up straw man after straw man about claims, and even then he sounds stupid. This was sad

  3. I have watched many atheist- Christian debates. I am an atheist. I have until now never witnessed such outright lies, distortions of facts, and deliberately inflammatory and idiotic statements as those made by d’Souza and the statistician- stock trader. Their presentations were abysmal. Stinks of Desperation.

  4. Wright was so vague that one wonders why he was even there. His main point seemed to be that we should tolerate each religion, focus on seeing the best of it, not the harm it does to fellow human beings. His stance flies in the face of the fact that Islam desires to have an entire world of powerless believers, and in fact, will die for that goal. Evangelical Christianity is not innocuous- their goal in America is to embed itself into public policy with the goal of ‘ recreating’ a white,born-again Christian, conservative country where women are subjugated further and the LGBTQ community is jettisoned. Mr Wright, religion is far from benign and altruistic. You are either uninformed or woefully naive.

  5. Atheist want people to live and love everyone and learn the same.

    Religions separates all humans one way or another.

    Separate school boards
    One teaching delusion and the other common sense.
    Children is where the poison starts
    Adults is where it continues

    Put beliefs in the closet and go home to pray
    But leave it out of day to day life.
    Some of us know the truth.

  6. The Christians are masters of deflection. They all try to portray "atheism" as something more, or something larger, than it really is. They should never spend ANY time trying to debunk "atheism." Sam summed it up the best – To paraphrase, "The Christian argument is nothing more than: Since you can't disprove "Christianity" you can't say it's not still possible."

  7. Dinesh is such a quasi-intellectual, arrogant madman. Why are people impressed by his arguments? They can easily be defeated by high-school students.

  8. Endless parallel debates between the persons who claim the wrong answer as the right by brainwashing and the persons who only say that their claims are wrong … The right answer is in the book “Human, God, and Truth: Life is the Awakening Process – Amazon”.

  9. Whether it's Judge Jeanine, ol' Bill O'Reilly, Rush OxyCon Limbaugh, or Sean Hannity or the rabbi here, I really don't care for folks who yell when speaking

  10. To the people who seek the genuine truth, I dare recommend without hesitation OnCharm’s book “Human, God, and Truth: Life is the Awakening Process – Amazon”.

  11. Islam does not give equal property rights to Muslim women? Islam prohibit women empowerment? Islam do not allow freedom of speech ( Charlie hebdo)? Islamic countries do not give citizenship to immigratian?

  12. Who the fuck was that first moron? I honestly rechecked the video after about a minute to make sure that I hadn't accidentally clicked on the wrong link, and ended up on a channel that plays "when televangelists start thinking they're smart" videos.

    Even when he mentioned Sam by name, I still wasn't sure that it wasn't a parody, because it just seemed IMPOSSIBLE for someone to be so confident and smug, and issue such brazen insults and provocations, knowing who Sam is, after having failed so miserably to muster anything that even remotely resembles a cogent argument.


  13. Dinesh responds to criticisms of religious truth claims with a veritable cornucopia of logical fallacies. He doesn't defend his claim, he attacks atheism. Only he doesn't really attack atheism, he inflates the significance of the incompleteness of scientific knowledge to cast doubt on evolution. He then pivots to an complete nonsequitur about evolution, such as "being moral", and thus concludes that since evolution "can't answer"/"leads to XYZ" /"is wrong about" an issue that only tangentially INVOLVES evolution, therfore science is a shitty alternative. Science is the "religion of atheists" see?

    And since the challenge to his bullshit truth claim MUST have come from an atheist, and he just showed why atheists shouldn't be so stinking ARROGANT, he not only does not need to defend his truth claim, he himself has CLEARLY earned the right to act like an arrogant prick.

    This logic reminds me of Groundhog Day.

    "My oh my, you play the piano so WELL. Did you take lessons?"

    "no, but my father was a piano MOVER, so, I mean, duh."

  14. 48:26 not exactly a statement of ignorance, haha…"God knows" = "I know that the God I cannot even prove the existence of knows"…that's a huge statement of knowledge, haha, actually…a clever dodge, though…

  15. D'Souza leading a Macy's day parade of logical fallacies… sneering and condescending like he's outsmarted everyone, while Hitchens calmly loads his rifle on a nearby rooftop… almost disappointed the fallacies are so large. "I got out of bed for this?" he thinks. "Ah well, I'm already here… maybe I'll see how fast I can pop them all with my eyes closed."

  16. Robert Wright said absolutely nothing with more words than I've ever heard someone use before. Was he using a random word generator?

  17. Why do all these bible guys always try to hinder us from living our lives the way we want? They always have to make us feel guilty for watching porn, masturbating, lieing, stealing, raping, killing a baby e.t.c? Our leading atheists better completely eradicate religion so we can freely do all this pleasurable things. 😪

  18. Gotta say Sam was the most coherent. I admire a man who can avoid analogies, or at least keep them directly relevant to the topic he's conveying. Dinesh's analogies were irrelevant, and disorienting. Hitchins largely restates his recycled arguments. I know there are few types of arguments on the other side and it saves time but it tends to cause him to shoot wide of the mark. The nihlist was clearly selling a book.

  19. Dinesh is such a sad little man. He says all the right things, believes all the right bullshit and has gone farther than he had any right to. Yet, as hard as he tries, he will never be fully accepted by the religious right because he was born the wrong color.

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