
Episode 14 – why global configuration management matters so much to everyday products we use

AiTalks Podcast

A fascinating interview with the Persistent Systems team getting under the covers of why what we take for granted is so dependant on global configration management. Not just software but the entire system of artefacts and relationships that just have to work if you are driving your car or being on a plane. Listen to Geoff Clemm, Distinguished Engineer give a history of his life in software engineering and his perspective on why reuse is critical to companies operating in a agile business needing multiple variances of software being tested and validated simultaneously to keep pace in their market place. The conversation runs through many key points including the maturity of system engineering from stand alone tools to enterprise class tools like IBM’s Engineering Lifecycle platform through to the fine grain understanding of how AI is powering greater granuality and quality management. A lof of ground covered as always with AiTalks podcasts and our business partners.


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