
Face-off between Jack Ma and Elon Musk on AI in Shanghai

South China Morning Post

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Founder of Alibaba, Jack Ma, and CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, had an animated debate over the future of AI and Mars exploration at the Shanghai World Artificial Intelligence Conference on August 29, 2019.

Executives from nearly 300 companies including US firms Intel, IBM, Microsoft and Qualcomm also attended the conference, alongside scientists and scholars from across the world.

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29 thoughts on “Face-off between Jack Ma and Elon Musk on AI in Shanghai
  1. Because he is a successful person and rich he think hes always right .its very hard to argue/talk to this kind of guy. No matter how long you talk to him..

  2. one of the richest man in china due to copying business model in U.S., with supports from the government to ban all other competitor brand. There is no invention in China or from Chinese people. They are just dumb, and there are a lot of them.

  3. I disagree with Jack Ma, AI indeed poses a threat to humanity, automation threatens to replace us causing machine learning allows them to perform tasks better than us humans. Its clear that Jack Ma has the mind of a businessman not a visionary.

  4. Man…Jack Ma's a dumb piece o' shit…I thought he was intelligent, until now, I realized he is just a puppet put up by the Chinese Communist Party to act as the face of Alibaba to the rest of the world. Now I know why he didn't get into KFC…go to the top of the building, and then straight to Mars?…Seriously Jack?

  5. Jack Ma's philosophical intelligent is astronomical. The people saying AI is the end all be are like misinterpreting religious people talking about armageddon.

    Jack Ma also has more money so he wins by default.

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