
Fauvist Art – Part 1 of 2

Part 1 of a slideshow of significant Fauvist work, animated. Matisse, Gaugin, Vlaminck, Braque, Derain, Marquet and more. I just love the Fauves! Music is credited at the end and is Ravel’s Introduction and Allegro for Harp, Flute, Clarinet and Strings.

Máire McSorley


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36 thoughts on “Fauvist Art – Part 1 of 2
  1. Thanks Bandrik, it certainly does help. Sounds positive – confuses me a little tho' because I'm not called Fernando! Maybe that word is also a term of exclamation. Thanks x

  2. Ué, por que me enviou uma mensagem no canal de outra pessoa? :o)
    Pra eu ver teus comentários tens que comentar nos meus vídeos, nos vídeos postados por mim no meu canal
    Eu nunca ia ver essa mensagem.
    Este vídeo nao foi postado por mim, mas pela MaireMc, que aliás é minha amiga aqui no Youtube.

  3. Yes, good translation. :o)
    "Entrada nos blogs" means the person put this video in a blog, a link there, or something like that, to watch the video in that blog.

  4. Good music, I didn't know it.
    A question for you: Can Van Gogh included in the Fauvism?
    I dont't know very much about painting – music is my field. But I am uploading several videos with paintings in my channel, but it's exactly to learn a bit about it. And it's working. :o)

  5. Whilst he was not of the Fauvist movement, without doubt I would say that Post Impressionist Vincent Van Gogh's work (particularly at the time he was working with Paul Gauguin) was a huge influence on the development of Fauvism, particularly the work of Fauvist artists Vlaminck and Derain. His bold use of primary colours and broad expressive brush strokes really did set the tone for the Fauvist Movement.

  6. Such bold vibrant colours used in these paintings. I was attracted to this style because my life drawing an still life drawing wasnt very strong. I enjoy fauvisim because although the paintings can be realistic i feel there is more emphasis on the color. I also love 'neo impressionism' I think it was called both this style and fauvism send shivers up my spine.

  7. wow! I have my history of art a level tomorrow and I am checking these out and they're really pleasant to watch and quite easy to get interested in.. unlike the never ending books I had to read which are so boring that even an insomniac would doze off while reading them.
    thanks for the vids 🙂

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