
Futurist on living forever

Google’s leading engineer and prominent futurist Ray Kurzweil says humans just a few scientific breakthroughs away from achieving eternal life. The first step — watching what we eat.

Kurzweil — one of the world’s leading minds on artificial intelligence, technology and futurism — has a strategy on how to prolong his own life until science figures out how to make us immortal.

The futurist is also the author of five national best-selling books, including “The Singularity is Near” and “How to Create a Mind.”

Produced by Will Wei. Edited by Christine Nguyen.

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14 thoughts on “Futurist on living forever
  1. This fool thinks he can live forever. Any "accident" can potentially kill you. Just a hit from a speeding truck can end you.

  2. Ray is right about nutrition. I have a patent pending from my own aging research. I've proven the debility from aging is caused by the body stealing from itself. The theft is triggered by the body not being able to absorb five amino acids, over time. The changes to the aging colon are obvious, however many of the previous researchers cannot see past the termination of their own. (sorry) Gut bacteria decline with "Our" aging because they begin biological processes with the five "extra" amino acids and then cannot finish. Ray, I've got your back on this one! Thanks

  3. 100% agree with Kurzweil. Its not matter of whether controlling
    biological aging is possible or not, the question is, are we the last
    generation to die?

  4. impossible god controls birth and death u petty white humans think u own the whole world.what a fool.
    even its organs dont die its soul will leave the body.
    its a very unethical immoral thing to do and u will suffer for sure.

  5. People need to live and die for humanity to progress. The same way that a decrepit 100 year old house is destroyed to make way for a new house.

  6. Agree with the general premise, but there is a saying when it comes to people's predictions on how far off the immortality breakthrough will be.
    It never seems to exceed the expected lifespan of the person who proposes it.
    So when this guy says that it will be 10-20 years I have my doubts as to whether that is based on the actual data or just wishful thinking on his part.

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