Gojira v Kong Made Even Worse

Vandelay Media Group

Godzilla vs. Kong from 2021 is completely recreated using the art of Santiago Caruso (look his stuff up, its amazing). I continue to be absolutely blown-away and horrified at the same time with the creations of this stable diffusion approach to illustration. As an artist, tools like this can only help hone skills, so I don’t view these tools as competition, which I am setting out to prove.

I remember the first Godzilla movie I saw as a kid (the OG movies!), and from then on, I was all about kaiju!

All prompts, etc. come from a version of the script that Open AI GPT-3 + Jasper AI. Images are generated (sometimes with some additional direction) through PromptBase, Jasper AIs “Art” Beta as well as a few from DreamStudio.

AI has come a long way since its early days, when it was nothing more than a simple calculator. These days, AI is capable of so much more, as I will begin to share with you on this channel. Artificial Intelligence is changing the world of the creative, and I hope to share many more similar videos.

The script and imagery were all created by AI, and for Kong vs. Godzilla in particular, the surrealistic style of Caruso felt like a perfect medium.

Big thanks to @Jasper (not sponsored) and their amazing suite of tools, which I use (among others, including Open AI, GPT-3 API) more and more every day.

00:00 Introduction
00:39 Godzilla Attacks! (Pensacola)
01:03 Journey To Hollow Earth
01:30 Kong On a Barge
01:42 Godzilla Attacks! (At Sea)
02:08 Mechagodzilla Rises
02:55 The Final Battle