
How Artificial intelligence learns | Genetic Algorithm explained

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Evolution has crafted the most intelligent beings on earth. In this video I explain how computer scientists simulate evolution to train or evolve AI.

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45 thoughts on “How Artificial intelligence learns | Genetic Algorithm explained
  1. One question…. To those who believe that humans have evolved from monkeys or chimpanzees or whatever…… Is that…… Where did that single cell came on a comet โ˜„….. From which( believers of evolution theory says) that all living creature evolved?….. No where in the whole universe a single cell has been found. And last but not the least…… Observe the nature and try to find real creator of this universe. Nothing is ever build by itself……

  2. I Just would like to stress on the fact that mutation is random : most of the time mutation does nothing. The rest of the time it brings a drawback. But on very rare occasion it gives an advantage for survival. That's where the gene gets selected.

  3. Nice, simple explanation. I'd just like to point out that "fitness" in evolutionary language isn't really about how well-suited an organism is to its environment or how good it is at surviving. Technically speaking, fitness is just how many offspring you can get into the next generation (and of course, if you're well-adapted to your environment and you're good at surviving, that's going to increase the number of offspring you will have, so that's going to lead to increased fitness).

  4. Basically he generates random ai. Then the random ai that does the best out of them makes more ai witih everything the previous best had, exept a few changes. Then the best ai of that makes similar ai, but with minor changes. Then the best of that makes a entire new generation. And so on, getting the same, or increased score each time.

  5. Not all creationists dismiss all possibly of evolution. The two are not mutually exclusive. Something can be created with the ability to evolve over time in order to account for changes in its environment. In your example, you CREATED a population with the ability to evolve which proves that very point. If your goal with that creationist comment was to use your example to disprove creationism, you have done the exact opposite. Computers themselves and all programs contained therein began with an intelligent design. The materials that make up computer systems didn't just randomly arrange themselves into that form, nor did the ones and zeros that make up programs randomly arrange themselves into a program. They required the time, effort, and logic of an outside entity in order to be created. Evolution didn't create your program. You created the program and evolution is a feature of the program you created. That is an example of micro evolution.

    if that was your first tutorial, i might say you nailed it!
    Waiting for the next video, when you can explain us how the fuck you write those codes

  7. What does this video have to do with disproving creationism? A rather stupid comment at the beginning.

    New species do not happen, you still assume you have billions of years/generations and nothing explained what started this process (in this case it is you, a creator) also you simulate in a controlled environment with simple perameters, your simulation wouldn't start unless you made it do so even in a trillion years, now imagine it being millions of times more complex. Even the ever expanding time frame that is required to make evolution seem plausible becomes more absurd the more we learn about these processes. I'm sorry but evolution is a nearly 200 year old theory that gets more and more disproven day by day and requires scewing data and inserting assumptions everywhere without any scientifically proveable basis.

    I get it is handy to be able to pull up things that can suppress existential thoughts by apathy in a need to both justify one's own actions and fit in, but please stay to what you do well.

    I'm a bit disappointed by that comment but otherwise I enjoy your content a lot, AI is both fascinating and a tad scary.

    And I guess sorry for my little rant, but it is annoying to get these subtle jabs everywhere and seeing no pushback.

  8. I watch your videos knowing how to do some of the ML and coding you use for the projects. So to be completely honest with you(and myself) I watch because: YOu FuNNy Ass ffyucckk. So thank you very much for being a thing I can suppress my own frustrations with coding with. Even if for the brief period of time your videos are. So keep up the good work and go with knowing someone else feels your pain!

  9. I am not going to say that evolution doesn't exist, it does. However, the point I would make is agent macroevolution. Microevolution absolutely happens of course better camouflage, stronger shells, and smarter tactics will win out. Even though, I state this I still believe that God created all living creatures believe it if you want don't if you don't. It is not my job to yell and scream and try to make you believe. Though I personally dislike the tone that he took acting as if anyone who disagrees with his point of view is stupid. I am a perfectly intelligent human being I could say that my IQ is 180, however, that would be easy to fabricate with the anonymity of this platform. Please, respond if you would like to give a counter argument or the like though with the way that comments are sorted I'd be surprised if I got more that one reply if that.

  10. greatt, I think u should make more video likes this, some tutorials about how to programm and how they work the ia, the different algorithms etc ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. As a creationist and dogbreeder, i do need to point out. Evolution and natural selection is a fact. The discussion for me is about existence of devolution and the extremely small chance that a good macro-evolution (an evolution that creates a new gene) occurs.

  12. 'If you're a creationist,….this video isn't for you.'

    I thiiiiiink the belief of how it actually happened and using a theory to drastically simplify explaining a process are two different things

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