Consciousness Videos

Virtual Reality, Language, Self Hood and God Consciousness

Aug Tellez

Language is the programming code of the consciousness of this reality. Mind is the awareness before it is shaped by cognition.

If we can understand the language we can overcome distortions that are inherent to the collective belief or what has been called ‘social constructs’ in the past.

Technology can be used to better understand reality both metaphysically through allegory and through direct examination of conscious experience, physics and matter and biology.

Illusion is built into the distortion of consciousness through corrupted or double-speak through multi-faceted language. There are multiple uses and meanings to derive and at the highest contrast there is one language used for one world which is entirely controlled within a false paradigm and there is the true meaning of what is happening which unveils reality as it truly is which, when understood, frees the mind from the spiritual enslavement system.


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24 thoughts on “Virtual Reality, Language, Self Hood and God Consciousness
  1. You’re beautiful and special. Knowing yourself is the key. It’s peace. you can be happy in any circumstance because there is a spark inside you. I am sorry if I ever made unkind comments on your videos. I didn’t understand you until recently.

  2. @Aug Tellez you look exactly like a friend of mine. The universe sent me to you obviously I go thru these coincidences all the time countless of times.

  3. What I'm trying to say is that certain things in the future that we see now might not even happen for us in the present time. Because only God Himself could stop time itself. Traveling into parrallel universes is a huge sin to God. I know these things because God Himself told me these things. I know about quantum physics and the consequences it has with God. These things are considered sins under God.

  4. I know that we can go into the future and able to see things but only God Himself could stop time itself. You know like Tupac said Until The End of Time. Im talking to everybody here and @Aug Tellez.

  5. Hello my name is Melodic Muzic. Im talking to everybody here and @Aug Tellez I need help because they're trying to recruit me as we speak but I highly doubt that because I already declined their offer for Hollywood celebrity status. I basically was going to be the next Kanye West or the next Michael Jackson. But the thing is I was able to figure out the reptilians agenda for me like with thoughts that came to me like lightning speeds. When they approached me it was like I already knew the whole plan already. It was crazy God saved me from their trap because reptilians chose me at birth to be famous in this world. My name is Melodic Muzic. How you doing Aug Tellez ?? I believe they cloned me already im somewhere in a lab somewhere.

  6. Life is imagination mixed with free will. But Free Will is the miracle itself. Because even our thoughts are controlled by an outside force outside of us that's unexplainable. Life is very interesting ain't it. lols.

  7. Once you defeat life's endless questions. You become liberated you become free. A free spirit. I swear it's like I'm all knowing. All my questions have been answered. Truth is anything you could imagine already exists in this universe. Life itself is imagination thru God himself. It's his imagination flowing thru us. Everything happens for a reason obviously but it's our own imagination that's what's leading us to the end times. Think about it artificial humans with artificial consciousness that thru God's imagination he created that first. God made it possible for it to be real in the first place. These time travelers that follow me around are getting annoying to me. I swear yo.lols. This is a every day thing because I expose them and the government in my instagram.

  8. My partner and I have been exploring spirituality for ages alongside 'conspiracy theories' and I came across your video lately where you're in the car with a dude and it was like what you were saying switched on all the light switches. All the shit we've been accumulating and sorting through was brought together. Really feeling this video. Ended up scared of my own hellscape made out of my own fears to learn not to fear and sabotage and really get back to me and life and creating my reality. I tasted it already and then a wave of distorted dream shit hit the fan and it's been years sorting through it all to get back to me to the point where there's no going back. I can't thank you enough it's good to know that there are folk that are awake.

  9. John 1:1
    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. We underestimate the power of the spoken word, in simpler terms it is to humans like the keyboard and programming language used to input commands (coding) into a computer. The WORD always come first in the form of thought, that then lead to creation. Trinity of thoughts, words, deeds. How much more careful we should be of the WORDS we cultivate?

  10. Appreciate you brudha , I've been going back into old patterns that lower my vibration. Sometimes I feel like I'm on autopilot that carry me towards animalistic ideals. But I know that i have the capacity for changes, I just need to Do it!

  11. I appreciate what to are trying to speak about. The source of your concern has been addressed before. In German there is a saying which translates as ' once spoken forever seen '. The language you use is itself infected and unnecessarily confused with terms that it is assumed your audience will understand. It is like a cloud of unfocused, quasi-scientific, quasi-spiritual suggestions. The human mind ( which is a mystery in its actual functioning, abilities, and purpose ) loves to interpret the world through stories. Imagine the leap made when humans created the simple story of logic in order to prove something to be a fact and a truth. It is one of the greatest technologies of thought to have been fashioned by the human mind. It provided a form of thought free from prejudice ( used correctly it denies nothing and considers everything ). I recommend an experiment where you try not telling anyone about your thoughts and you stay away from any computers and you stand calmly for hours thinking about what is directly and actually in front of you.
    Good luck on your journey towards peace.

  12. Hi Aug i got something about the Sine waves and Fibonacci sequence that entangles the two together I think….I would like to run it past you to get your view.I got it from listening to some of your vids bro.If interested that will be great,it may be simple,it may be wrong,maybe you aleady seen it…Just need to know how to send it to ya..if you would like to view it?…Well I love how you bring all this into reality to awareness and the depths you bring it from>it's quantum beauty with the Creator and existence.Love it and thanks man….

  13. Have to agree, you really came out for this one with your war hat on. Back in the day you would be considered off the chain! This is nowhere close to where people think, and how you got there must also be beyond the purpotratiors themselves as to how find a specimen you actually turned out to be.

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