
Pastor Robert Morris – The Pure Language


Pastor Robert Morris – Words Life or Death – The Pure Language
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Pastor Robert Morris – 6/02/12
Sermon Series: Words Life or Death
Sermon Title: The Pure Language

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25 thoughts on “Pastor Robert Morris – The Pure Language
  1. I have loved this Pastor from the first time I ever heard him. He is really a great speaker; one that can explain things in a simple, basic way that anyone can understand! I need that!

  2. I'd like to take a moment to think about the location of Heaven. We see in The Bible, instances where doors are opened, or a ladder with angels going up and down it, voices able to be heard from Heaven, John seeing a door opened in Revelation, Jesus being taken into Heaven, a fiery chariot taking Elijah, Revelation's events indicating a visual distance from the Earth. Could you imagine the embarrassment of God being so close and not distant and far above the stars? Why would He be as far as some imagine? That doesn't fit His character. It doesn't fit the stories of seeing doors or a ladder that can reach Heaven, and let's not forget Lucifer falling as lightning to Earth. I think Heaven is embarrassingly close yet hidden as we are locked behind mortal eyes. The streets of gold are not the gold you find around your neck. The term Jasper is used as well as a sea of glass like transparency to describe Heaven's floor. So we have to assume a gold that is so pure it can be seen through has been laid. This fits His character as a Father watching over His kids in addition to being omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. What functionality would a glass-bottomed floor be except to look through? When you look at The Church or the news; human behavior. Is this the best we can do?

  3. The clearest and the simplest and the most convincing teaching I've heard on the three baptisms! Thank you!
    I was raised as a Muslim in Saudi Arabia, but came to receive Christ on July 7, 1999 while living in Alaska, and was baptized in water. I was not baptized in or with the Holy Spirit until many years later (16 yrs!)
    I received the Holy Spirit2 years ago and began speaking in tongues!
    I was Called by God on 10/12/2017 to start New Inheritance Church and to start preaching.
    He gave me the faith and the courage to begin this church and begin preaching one month later on 11/12/2017!
    Yahshua Saves and empowers and blesses those who hear His voice and follow Him!!
    HalleluYah and all praise and Glory to Him for the THREE witnesses in Heaven and on Earth!?
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  4. There is no way I can say how great this message is. So many questions answered and I thank God for the spirit language and to Pastor Morris for his awesome way of explaining..

  5. Thank you so much Pastor Robert , i love to speak in tongue and this preaching is exactly for my need as a prayer warrior , intercessor. Pls pray for me also to have me of this tongue.. God bless

  6. Thank you very much for this teachings! It is a great confirmation of what God is doing! We have moved to an area where there is such a resistance to The Person of The Holy Spirit and the gifts He has for His people. We are believing that The Holy Spirit, Who is at work in the earth today teaching the truth of God’s Word. May the Grace, Mercy and Peace of God be always upon your life!

  7. And remember that verse that says to “trust in the Lord and lean not on thine own understanding.” Hope that brings even more clarity here

  8. I'm so glad to hear this I have left the church I thought th a r I would never leave ,because I heard members gossiping, more than once about even a sister,they were even happy about it to the point of compared to rejoicing, I lost my faith in Christians that evening and became concerned about this message , and had not heard it preached much in the pulpit, it has never been preached enough I think ,as thus man has done , I've said to much ,but I've not heard him ask for money , that something that has turned so many away from Christ church, give with in your means ,guest are not obligated ,I'm impressed that he has not ask yet for money, because that will tell me why he is really there ,for money , John the Baptist ate locus and honey and spread christ coming , we must understand things have not changed one bit ,we cannot think ,well, it's different now ,ooooono it has not changed a bit in fact ,these things god once overlooked but not know more so than before

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