Consciousness Videos

How To Benefit The Collective Consciousness of Humanity

Eckhart Tolle

When you are trying to align with the unconditioned consciousness that you are, no matter what you do, the world can become a better place because of it. You can make a difference to the the collective consciousness of humanity. Sign up for the free 5 part video workshop with Eckhart Tolle here:

Enrollment in Eckhart Tolle’s new course is open! If you’ve ever attended any of Eckhart Tolle’s events, read one of his books, listened to his talks, watched one of his YouTube videos, or felt connected to the Truth that underlies his teachings, then Conscious Manifestation is especially for you.

This course will support your spiritual growth and awakening process as you go deeper into living a life of purpose and Presence. It will also support the expansion of Presence into all areas of your life: work, relationships, health, finances, and your sense of inner peace.

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Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most original and inspiring spiritual teachers of our time. He travels and teaches throughout the world.

Eckhart is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition, but excludes none. His profound yet simple and practical teachings have helped thousands of people find inner peace, healing and greater fulfillment in their lives. At the core of his teachings lies the transformation of individual and collective human consciousness – a global spiritual awakening.

Eckhart Tolle is the author of The Power of Now, a #1 New York Times Bestseller, which has been translated into 32 languages and become one of the most influential spiritual books of our time.

In his most recent book, A New Earth, he shows how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness but also the key to ending the conflict and suffering throughout the world.


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41 thoughts on “How To Benefit The Collective Consciousness of Humanity
  1. 2.5 years ago with meditation and spiritual discipline I had a spiritual awakaning. A few days later I had this persistent feeling I had To go to the Library. At the library I was spiritually directed to the Eckhart Tolle Books and picked one out. Next I was spiritually directed to drive to this forest and set up a primitive camp and camp there in solitude and read Eckhart Tolle. My life is forever changed for the better.I love humanity and all creation

  2. although what if i'm not doing anything with myself, when i'm feeling like it all doesn't worth it, not the time, not the effort, not anything,that everything is against me, and the only 'thing' i'm able to 'manifest' is the hatred of others, as i did throughout all of my god damn life?
    although your words aligned with me, i want to dealign from all of this, from myself, from this corrupted world, and everything else, as well the 'family' that i stayed alive for until now.

  3. Thank you, Eckhart, this is a clear and beautiful presentation. I've also pondered the Earthly condition of duality consciousness and our presence in both judgments "good and bad" outwardly and inwardly. Since the yang calls forth the yin, to use this duo for a moment, to make my point, the creation of a good thing can call forth the creation of a bad thing. The hype we've seen going on for a while when the book The Secret was published, showed that there were practitioners of that method that found their manifestation to be the opposite of what they intended to create. I wonder if that's related to our present state with a left and right hemisphere and if it's going to bring this "good and bad" polarity to an end when those 2 halves or our brain have found some sort of bridging, present as one instead of two.

  4. Hahaha… way….lol….I need to be around great teachers such as you
    We were not put here to be in some dark cave…..A teacher

  5. I think the road to hell is paved only by those who are just pretending to have good intentions. I think good intentions can only come from the Heart and every intention that is actually good will inevitably have a good result. Of course I could be wrong as I've been skipping along the tree tops of the Dark night of the soul and the ego takes many forms that confuse the uninitiated.
    I enjoy your videos very much. I hope your assistant will tell you. Just kidding. I have a fever that has made me feel silly. 🤓🙃🙂 Lost my glasses… 🤓 Found them! 👍

  6. Mr. Eckhart! I have followed ur teaching for over a decade!! Wow! I was internally implied to make a video about restoring faith in humanity and i would be so grateful to have you watch it and have the blessing of ur thoughts ❤ ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏 satu

  7. Isn’t the teaching of Eckhart Tolle – presence – appealing because you separate yourself and perhaps feel better than other human beings who are still in unconscious state? You believe in being special (superior) because you 'know' about the presence.

    I am not bashing any of the teaching, as it has actually helped me quite a bit, I'm just curious as to how people see this

  8. Thank you…..I think like you were saying liveing it and being connected it sounds pretty simple and it is….but keeping oneself that way at least for me currently is a challenge.

  9. Thank you Eckhart and Allmighty I AM Presence for the teachings.. I Am Wisdom- I am wisely using all the virtues to create and maintain harmony in my own life and to know that we are all equal co-creators with our ALLMIGHTY I AM PRESENCE!!!😜🤗😇🙏👌🤙❤️💚💛

  10. Who else here is a frequency holder? I’m experiencing a spiritual awakening. We are raising our consciousness from 3D to 5D for the benefit of Mother Earth. Spread your love & cultivate stillness.

  11. Прочитал книгу «Новая земля» хожу теперь потрясённый, меняет отношение восприятия мира, к себе, знаю что такое эго, Спасибо 🙏 огромное. Я получил удовольствие, буду перечитывать её снова и снова!

  12. "There is such a thing as collective human consciousness." Makes me think of Jesus Christ, that he was a manifestation of that. And how Christianity insists that one must go through Jesus in order to meet God. (BTW I'm not religious at all, this is just an intuitive insight)

  13. The Collective Consciousness this Person Speaks of Is the False, in my opinion, Belief and indeed Practice in a Deceptive Spiritual Universal Consciousness Otherwise Know As Artificial Intelligence and being Very successfully pushed by One of its Most Loyal Follower and programmed Deciples. All under the Guise of Truth and universal consciousness as this Is A Secret Technicalogically Spiritual Being and Don't think the two Are Real Spirituality at All? do you?

  14. Thank you. Thank you for your being Eckhart, thank you for your teachings, thank you for your voice, thank you for your humanity. It wasn't until recently that I became aware of your teachings and just by chance really. It was a Chillstep mix on YouTube called The Philosopher's Mixtape Vol. 1 (by Terrestrial_Exitium) that exposed me to your teachings. I related to what you were saying and I dug deeper to listen to more, to learn more. Now… now, that I have heard, rest assured my friend that from now till my end of my days, your voice will be permeating my mind; your presence and your awareness will be manifested WITHIN my reality every step along the way… and for that, I thank you.

  15. Your teachings have helped me in many areas of my life, Eckhart. Thank you. May I suggest that you put the ads at the beginning of your lessons as I like to think about them after each, but the advertisements at the end disrupt this entirely. Thank you again 🙏

  16. I find the most complicated things to learn are the most elusive and inexplicable such as yoga (arch your back while not arching it) wtf or whatever this was about (to learn wisdom you must use widsom) wtf or whatever anything is about wt actual f is happening pls

  17. Guten Abend Herr.Eckart Tolle ich habe eine Frage bin Musiker und es kommt .mir wie ein automatismus das es mir das einfällt das was ich spielen soll .also bei kreation von neuen song .die Frage kommt das oder es aus oder von meinen Gehirn oder kommt es aus oder von meinen körper .über ihre Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen Grüss.Piotre.

  18. Nice to meet you. My name is Masaharu Oshima, who lives in Fukui City. In the near future, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Sudan and Libya will attack Israel as described in Chapter 38 of Ezekiel. And as written in Matthew 24, Christians will disappear from all over the world. Before that, repent with Christ.

    Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.(John 14:6)

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