
How to Create AI for Strategy Games

Game Dev Chats

What do pancakes and Back to the Future have to do with the development of Artificial Intelligence for strategy games?

Ross Przybylski de-mystifies the bewildering challenge many people experience when they first consider how an AI system for a game might be developed. It’s all “smoke and mirrors”, claims Ross, an elaborate illusion that masks a relatively simpler collection of techniques that create the compelling computer opponents we face in games. Learn how to unpack AI into a series of simple tasks and gain both applied techniques and a framework for thinking about how to tackle the problems associated with AI development. The approachable format is designed to appeal to programmers, game designers, and general audience interested in learning the behind-the-scenes magic that drives AI.

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5 thoughts on “How to Create AI for Strategy Games
  1. I would love if you put a link to the powerpoint on google drive or something in the comments. I have a hard time reading the powerpoint in the video. Overall though, super helpful to me. My friends and I are having a competition over who can build the best AI for the board game "Blockus" and this definitely helped me get started.

  2. At around 41:00 minutes in:
    Math comment: 15 choose 15 is 1, there is one way to choose 15 things from a set of 15.
    What you're looking for is 15 factorial (15!).

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