Art Theory

How to Paint A Candle-Lit Still Life – Acrylic Painting Lesson


For this painting I used Golden’s OPEN slow-drying acrylics but you can use regular acrylics just the same – you’ll just have to be a little more diligent about your edge work. Only 1 brush was used – #4 Filbert.


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20 thoughts on “How to Paint A Candle-Lit Still Life – Acrylic Painting Lesson
  1. I struggle with acrylics to the point of 2 year old temper Tantrums. I am on a very extreme budget. But you gave me 1 single most important lesson. Remember the negative spaces not try to unstuck myself on an object. I am a decent novice oil painter. I wanted to try to spread my wings. Bought stuff on top of stuff. Then my disaster happen to cause my budget to deflate so now I'm stuck with acrylics which I call my nemesis. But the point is Big lesson here remember the negative space is just as important as an object you're trying to paint and to move on. Thank you so much for that

  2. Brandon, I do enjoy your weekly vids, on such a variety of painting tidbits – I keep trying to use acrylic (instead of toxic oils), but haven't been able to get a good texture – I always think I'm just staining the canvas, instead of painting on it. Are the open acrylics a little 'thicker' to paint with?

  3. Can't seem to find an answer to how to have a candle light still life set up and having the canvas well lit at the same time.. Any suggestions? Really want to try to paint something lit by candle.

  4. B, you're even teaching me patience, just watching you work this painting. Love the video! Loved the working of the piece and the finished painting! Thanks!

  5. I enjoyed seeing your technique in blending color. You mentioned open acrylics; I'm wondering if this acrylic paint retarder would get the same results as to keeping the paint  wet longer. I have so/too many tubes of paint I really don't want to invest in more paint. I'm one of those that impulse buys and tries about anything I read or I'm sure you understand..thanks for sharing your talent with us.

  6. awesome video. took me awhile. but it was nice quality. seems alot of people like these videos. i just like everything. haha, i enjoyd that and learnd a couple things, thanks for sharing 🙂

  7. Here is a question about the Open Acrylics. You seem very economical in how much paint you use and I am wondering if using the open acrylics lets you use less paint since it stays workable longer and you have less layering, or any other observations about using them. Thanks.

  8. Great Brandon, enjoying following your painting process! I have learned so mutch from you, could never dream about selling paintings thank you for all of your time!:)

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