
How to Train a Brain: Crash Course Psychology #11

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I’m sure you’ve heard of Pavlov’s Bell (and I’m not talking about the Aimee Mann song), but what was Ivan Pavlov up to, exactly? And how are our brains trained? And what is a “Skinner Box”? All those questions and more are answered in today’s Crash Course Psychology, in which Hank talks about some of the aspects of learning.

Table of Contents

Associative Learning 01:33:17
Behaviorist Theory 04:32:05
Classical and Operant Conditioning 03:47:01
Positive and Negative Reinforcement 07:18:22
Reinforcement Scheduling 09:32:02

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46 thoughts on “How to Train a Brain: Crash Course Psychology #11
  1. I've tried positive reinforcement for waking up earlier to go to class by setting my alarm tone as my favorite song – but that simply resulted in my hatred of a once-amazing song. I guess my dislike for early rising was stronger than my like for that song. Oh well 🙁 it was interesting to try though.

  2. Cue: pain
    Behavior 1: painkillers
    Behavior 3: medicine
    Reward: no pain/disease
    Positive stimulus 1: hurts more
    Positive stimulus 2: disease
    Negative stimulus 1: hurts less
    Negative stimulus 2: (thought of) natural healing/immunity
    Behavior 2: doctor
    A response in psychology

  3. Would getting a speeding ticket be considered positive or negative punishment? On one hand, you're gaining an undesirable consequence (speeding ticket) but on the other, you're losing something by the speeding ticket (money).

  4. I'm only here because I'm taking an intro psych class that serves as a requirement. My professor is a total PAWG (look it up if you don't know) and that's probably the only interesting part of the class.

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