
Introduction to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence – Watson Studio Tutorial Part 1

IBM Developer

Part 1 of a 3 part series that serves as a tutorial for IBM Watson Studio.


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2 thoughts on “Introduction to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence – Watson Studio Tutorial Part 1
  1. Alguien me puede sugerir alguna pagina en ESPAÑOL para adentrarme al mundo de Machine Learning?? Generalmente doy con canales y página en inglés.

  2. So, all of this is based on the premise of A.I. logical learning based on data, but it falls short of developing an emotion algorithm based on feelings. Also, if you're going to succeed in Emotion/logic Algorithm A.I. you're going to need Contextual algorithms to define a contextual system of parameters that allows you to encapsulate the Emotion and the logic based algorithms in a grounded sphere to limit the number of outputs within a reasonable number to achieve a desired result. I like this video though. the basics are there.

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