Consciousness Videos

Is Consciousness Fundamental? | Episode 308 | Closer To Truth

Closer To Truth

Is our mental life a random accident, solely the product or byproduct of physical brain? Or is there something deeply special about conscious awareness that may reveal a hidden reality? Featuring interviews with David Chalmers, John Searle, Marilyn Schlitz, Varadaraja Raman, and Andrei Linde.

Season 3, Episode 8 – #CloserToTruth

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Closer To Truth host Robert Lawrence Kuhn takes viewers on an intriguing global journey into cutting-edge labs, magnificent libraries, hidden gardens, and revered sanctuaries in order to discover state-of-the-art ideas and make them real and relevant.

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47 thoughts on “Is Consciousness Fundamental? | Episode 308 | Closer To Truth
  1. Hard reality or graceful metaphor? Why the separation? Any theory of everything MUST include metaphors. Period. Or it’s not a theory. Poetry and metaphors are real.

    I love these videos. I have long since thought about all these things. For example, Searle says things have to exist for us to know about them. But Leonardo DaVinci knew about tanks and helicopters 😂 and a cell phone used to be just an idea. And scientists look at tons of experiments to formulate theories and ideas which they know to be true but the theories themselves don’t exist as material things, unless we write them down. But even then, the symbols are not the thing.

    Also, the meaning of a book is not in the black squiggles on the paper. It’s not in any one word. It’s in the experience of the words together. So the meaning doesn’t exist per se but it’s really the most important thing.

    All of this is essentially collapsing time and space in which the symbols exist. That’s how the universe talks. How it teaches us. Material reality is meaningful but it is not the main point.

    If anyone wants to help, I would love to be interviewed for this show. I could definitely contribute much. I have formulated new laws for information and meaning in the universe that would help humans a great deal. 🥰

  2. And we will have to replace «  in the universe » by in the consciousness data stream of information. Thank you so much again! ❤️

  3. When I saw someone pushing this idea of consciousness being fundamental I thought it just sounded like wishful thinking. But actually, if you can come up with equations that preserve the Standard Model but as an emergent property of consciousnesses interfacing with each other. Well if the math works out then fair enough, seems like a valid view.

  4. The one consiousness is outside of physical matter, like our body and mind. The universe and all matter are its body. We and conduits for it to see through.

  5. Consciousness is change detection and management process. Temporal persistance of changes gives sense of consciousness.

    Consciousness is not fundamental but universal.

    Consciousness is function of elastic property of matter.

  6. I'm a philosopher of consciousness and, wildly, a new Christian convert. This is a beautiful issue where one major side is purely scrambling and the other side is moving the conversation forward.

  7. I can listen to LITERALLY ANYTHING, i love studying everything i can, but, in the 2021 and 2020 and 2000 believing, still believing in esp….. Is really childish and pathetic

  8. If consciousness is fundamental, where was it before complex life? How and why did it become so entangled with complex life? What reason(s) do we have to believe this (other than some peoples' incredulity that it could not possibly emerge within the brains of complex lifeforms)?

  9. Man has a volitionally rational consciousness, as we immediately experience. There is no hidden mystical reality. Man is conscious of reality. Consciousness is the consciousness of reality. Reality (existence is metaphysically prinmary.

    Volitional Consciousness-N. Branden, in Psy. Of Self-Esteem
    Intro. To Objectivist Epistemology-A. Rand

  10. 22:20 QM shows some interesting things. the universe is “dead” without the observer?! If you imagine a world where nothing can observe it, it’s like having no meaning. But maybe there is some vicious circle that creates the illusion that states can’t be definite until observed by a conscious mind. That could be because of the references. When you set up a physical reference frame (the measuring device) it’s own position and momentum is not definite either. Then ultimately some conscious mind must read the result, there is no other way, a computer or some recording device is not aware of the measurement. So consciousness is always at the end the chain.

  11. Most of the brain works unconsciously and it even decides what you are going to do next (since I don’t see evidence for free will). Also free will feeling is for like 1% of what we experience consciously. There seem to be some deep processes that lead to consciousness

  12. To say that "Brain, all by itself, generates the mind" is a fallacy!
    Witness Hameroffs work in Consciousness, describing perception under anaesthetic …operating room experiences quite common without "brain"
    Note also Hameroff/Penrose theory of microtube quantum resonances as origin of C. No mention of that here.
    Also..note ppl born without cortex, or massive holes in brain, displaying alarmingly normal behaviour.
    Heart transplant patients sudden strange cravings correlating with donor habits….even the mind controlling aspects of our individual microbiomes is just coming to light. Whose the boss? The brain? The belly? Are you sure you can say?

    Also what is "conscious"?…a bacterium? an amoeba? A paramecium? A sea slug? A grasshopper? A mouse? A chimp?
    If a paramecium is not conscious because it has no brain, how is it that it moves, feeds, excretes waste, mates and learns quickest paths out of obstacle courses after one repetition? (certain fungi can do the same)

    If anything, we should study C by studying Paramecium – look at the structure of microtubules..those Carbon hexes and buzzing valence electrons are beautiful natural info storage bits (think of a barber pole..kinase transporting long term memory storage …
    this implying how "instinct" is stored in DNA

  13. Great work Robert and all around the production team of Closer to Truth. I am amazed to see so many people involved. Do you Robert read all comments, at least superficially, and arrive at some conclusions that will take us Closer to Truth or you are simply too busy ?

    The only issue is that we seem to be still stuck around the parable "Blind men and the elephant" for we ultimately use our physical senses to describe Reality. Even the title "Closer to Truth" reminds us of our Sense interpretation of the universe (for closer reminds us of distance in terms of space and time). Yet, how can we describe the unknown from the known? How can we describe quantitatively that higher Reality Box where space, time and matter have different meaning?

    What I could conclude is that most Scientists, if not all, seem to talk from the Sphere of KNOWING as opposed to the Sphere of BEING. With BEING there is no speculation as to what the elephant is…

    From BEING we can escape spacetime and matter to find that teleportation, PK, telepathy, etc are just as real. I've been there, if only briefly and sporadically. MetaIntelligence Development Is essential

  14. Since I exist – was my existance ALWAYS possible. Consequently is conciousness an ingrediant of all what is. That means that the existence of Consciousness is a fundamental possible part of that what a Universe can create. It also means that if there was something before the Big Bang…., it has had the possibility to create consciousness. Since a Universe and/or a Multiverse is able to create consciousness are there infinitive possibilities to create consciousness.

  15. When you are you, you have you memories of you events, linked loosely with all events that ever happened via the Earth》Sun》Blackhole》Probability distribution of itself

  16. The universe may be 14bn years old and conscious humans only a couple hundred thousand, but (aliens notwithstanding) the chicken is not recognizable in the egg until just before hatching, and yet is certainly fundamental to the egg.

  17. Regarding Linde and nothing existing without a consciousness observing it, and once observed, a galaxy for example, looks like as if it has been there for billions of years. If so, what observed the universe before intelligent life was present, could this reasoning perhaps hint at super consciousness as the source of reality, who observed the universe into existence?

  18. "EXCELLENT"……. Distinguishd Dr.Marilyn Schlitz , Dr.Andrie Linde and Dr.David Chalmers with bold and new insights, have explained the subject beautifully, elegantly & in depth…..

    Distinguishd Dr. Vardarajan Raman has failed to put fourth true Hindu prospective by leaving subject matter to be solved in future & his claim that consciousness not existed prior to existence of human beings….. Hindu scriptures confirm that Consciousness is fundamental & individual Consciousness is part of cosmic Consciousness & Indian saints since about 5000 yrs. have realized existence of pure consciousness and they pursued & proved to be true & practical……. all rituals at the time immediate after birth , during life time & after death are performed taking in view the Pure consciousness as ultimate truth / god / Shiva ( Brahman)……. surely consciousness being fundamental is not a debateable topic (though we still love to debate) as life time is considered an opportunity to awaken the individual consciousness to level of universal consciousness & to become one / merge with same ( cosmic & infinite beyond cosmos / Brahman) & as an additional benefit one while performing daily survival choirs , one experiences ectacy , bliss, joy , love compassion , kindness, empathy , beauty , harmony , eqanmity , creativity , exceling in worldly affairs & overcoming five kalaishas (miseries) including fear of death & as also described practical ways to know true identity (WHO AM I) & directing all actions (karma yoga) to service of God present in human beings(irrespective of cast,creed, religion,race, nationality, sex etc.) as individual consciousness is same / part of universal consciousness & to achieve subsequently immortality …. it's worth noting that about 200 millions Muslims & of other religions are living peacefully in India , Muslim increased from about 9%to20% in last 70yrs Hinduism is not a religion but way of life…. one needs to identify with pure consciousness rather than physical body as after death physical body perishes but vibrant universe with vibrant physical laws & its creator pure consciousness(being eternal) remains & so the awakened individual's consciousness submerged in pure consciousness also remains forever……. .. these all can be realized in present life time of human beings ( by anchoring in spirtual realm , one can relish / enjoy physical world also i.e both worlds)… ….. secondly human beings may be existing few millions of years but consciousness is existing prior to existence of human beings or rather prior to big bang (& immediate thereafter vibrant physcial laws , equations , constants etc. came in to operation prior to existence of human beings) …… after big bang
    fundamental forces, subsequently Q. fields ,after excitation fundamental elementary particles electron & quarks and which behave consciously (being Consciousness agent) as per fixed physcial laws & behavior/ character/ properties (mass , charge , spin) & after various interactions with mathematical presicion & symmetry create physical world including complex human beings…… in nut shell , if no pure consciousness , then no big bang , and accordingly neither simple conscious agents like quarks , electrons can come in to existence nor , subsequently, complex conscious agents like human beings can come in to existence…. moreover existence of designed / orderly universe prior to existence of human beings is a proof of existence of PURE CONSCIOUSNESS which created designed / orderly universe prior to human beings & thereafter… …… consciousness is fundamental , singular , infinite , indescribable , formless , structure less , source of all creation , everything physcial & nonphysical evolves , dissolves & again evolve in it … not in time & space ,water can't wet it , fire can't burn it , weapons can't chatters it… dimensionless but at the same time with infinite dimensions , creater of universe and multiverses as described in more detail in Hindu scriptures & this truth / concept is already supported by several Nobel Laurates Distinguishd Max Plank, Dr Irwin Shriodinger, Dr.Niel Bohr,Dr. Brian Jopson & other renowned scientists , philosophers, scholars, medical doctors, saints etc….. approximately 2 billions (1.15 billions Hindus & 0.75 billion Buddhist) follow the same…
    Distinguishd Dr. John Searle has tried to describe his views in best possible way but his views do not hold water as it is admitted position of science that hard problem of consciousness is not yet solved…… thanks 🙏.

  19. Humans can achieve different levels of consciousness and that depends on your historical and modern-day scientific knowledge. The more you know about the structure and origin of the universe the higher level of Consciousness you will achieve. Give your third eye something to look at. Your third eye is your mind's eye.

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