
Kanta Dihal: How the world sees intelligent machines

Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft

People have been imagining intelligent machines for millennia, in ways that vary greatly across cultures. Yet as Artificial Intelligence (AI) begins to fulfil its potential as a technology, spreading across the globe from its origins in 1950s America, many of these non-Western perspectives are marginalised. These stories, films and visions matter: they are interwoven with broader cultural attitudes and approaches to intelligent machines. In her lecture, Kanta Dihal will introduce such visions from across the globe and elaborate on three main themes: the differences between ‘Eastern’ and ‘Western’ visions of AI, the ways AI is imagined in communist states and anti-colonialist narratives of AI. Why are these marginalised perspectives still of great relevance for today’s societies and what can they teach us about ourselves?

Kanta Dihal is a Senior Research Fellow at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, University of Cambridge. Her research focuses on science narratives, particularly those that emerge from conflict. She currently manages the Cambridge branch of ‘Desirable Digitalisation’, an international research collaboration that investigates intercultural perspectives on AI and fundamental rights and values. She is co-editor of the books AI Narratives: A History of Imaginative Thinking About Intelligent Machines (2020) and Imagining AI: How the World Sees Intelligent Machines (2022) and has advised the World Economic Forum, the UK House of Lords, and the United Nations. She obtained her DPhil on the communication of quantum physics at Oxford in 2018.

The event took place on: Wednesday 11 May 2022 | 7 pm | Spreespeicher (030 Eventloft) – Stralauer Allee 2A, 10245 Berlin

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One thought on “Kanta Dihal: How the world sees intelligent machines
  1. Was das Interview betrifft, bedenken sie den Song…Video Killed the Radio Star…(The Buggles)..daran können sie erkennen, wie dumm KI-AI-IA sein kann…und hoffentlich noch lange bleibt…den die Botz sind Menschen…und auch die Cloud….das andere was sie meinen ( Subjektiv) sind Sammelbecken des Wissens und der Erfahrung des Menschen…mit dem Englischeingrenzenden Namen Cloud……..auch wenn Computer schneller lesen und überwachen können….so fehlt es an Empfindung…Geschmack, und Gefühlen….die den Menschen ausmacht……..und das nennen wir Allgemeinbildung…..

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