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Light seconds, light years, light centuries: How to measure extreme distances – Yuan-Sen Ting


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When we look at the sky, we have a flat, two-dimensional view. So how do astronomers figure the distances of stars and galaxies from Earth? Yuan-Sen Ting shows us how trigonometric parallaxes, standard candles and more help us determine the distance of objects several billion light years away from Earth.

Lesson by Yuan-Sen Ting, animation by TED-Ed.


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46 thoughts on “Light seconds, light years, light centuries: How to measure extreme distances – Yuan-Sen Ting
  1. My doubt is for example a 2.5m light years away star, the light we see is 2.5 m l years old….. So we see the star's position 2.5m light years away right? But in current running time period the star must have shifted it's position far or near to what it was 2.5m years away……. So we can only calculate the stars's past distance not the current distance right??

  2. So lets say, we look at a star that is 9 lightyears away. We see the star how it was 9 years agoo. But what if we could like fast travel to this star, would the picture of the star just change to its current form? Like could we in our space ship see the star change as we get closer? Idk I just thought about that

  3. Measuring distance in space is only valid if the vacuum of space is uniform throughout space. If the vacuum isn't uniform it would invalidate any measurements of distance. Currently there is no way to prove it's uniform. There is also no way knowing if the object at such a distance is still in existence or not.

  4. How can they measure and compare light coming from perticular Star, when there are potentially millions of them ? How do they know this light they are measuring is from exact star we are calculating distance of ?

  5. So does that mean if suppose far far away civilization were to look into Earth. They would probably see the dinosaurs?

  6. Speed of Light isn't the fastest speed in the universe and there is not only 7 rays in Electromagnetic spectrums, and the speed of Light isn't constant as well …
    But sooner or later you will come to know this after knowing the perfect behavior of "Light", Neither it is wave nor it is Particle, it is something else…

  7. If light takes time to travel, then technically we can never see the edge of the universe as present time even if we could see it. Right?

  8. What if, if the doomsday is already happened somewhere in the distance galaxy and it's still travelling towards earth 😄 no meaning for doomsday then

  9. 우주는 알면 알수록 신비한 곳인 것 같습니다. 빛은 1초에 지구를 7바퀴나 돌 수 있다는데, 그렇게 빠른 빛이 100,000년동안 쉬지 않고 이동한 거리가 겨우 우리 은하의 지름이라니, 우주는 정말 무한하게 크다는 생각이 듭니다.

  10. 今から20数年前に私の家のベランダからならず者が侵入し私のガンの薬にポイズンを混入させた時点でガンが治る事を知っていたのに何故将軍様の生命を助けなかったのか不思議です。。。

  11. I have an announcement about the Parallax, that from 2 points 300 million kilometers apart we get a kind of 3D image and we can measure the distances up to 200 light years away and we can measure about 500,000 stars their distance. This is possible because the Earth's orbit around the Sun has a diameter of 300 million kilometers and we can, for example, take a picture of an object in winter and summer and get the distance. It has come to my mind that we can also use pictures from a hundred years ago and now we can take new pictures of the same area and if we are perpendicular to the line we describe in space, in our circle around the nucleus of our galaxy, we get a base that is 2400 times larger than the 300 million kilometers of the orbit around the Sun and we can measure the distance 480,000 light-years away and the base also grows 840,000 kilometers every hour, because our solar system expands with this speed moves around the galaxy core and I wonder what you think about this and if you know if something is already being done with it, or if I'm coming up with something new?

  12. "The universe is constantly sending us information in the form of light" that's so mesmerizing cuz Angels are made of light & an Angel always brought messages for the prophets which then came to humanity 🤩

  13. I'm a bit confused. If the light from the sun reaches us in 8 mins., does that mean the sun turns off? It should have already reached us, it's just that the Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun. Enlighten me.

  14. You said that we calculate by length using triangle and stuff but what about refraction of light. We can't see anything at its position. We see everything at its apparent position how does that work

  15. Jesus said “I am the light of the world”. Eventually all that humans discover and any information in the form of light will point to Him as creator of it all!

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