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49 thoughts on “Logic – 1-800-273-8255 ft. Alessia Cara, Khalid (LIVE From The 60th GRAMMYs ®)
  1. suicide counselor saved my life … mental illness is so hard to overcome without help … our country needs to make it more affordable to get consistent help … shrinks charge 100/hr

  2. The audience for the performance was complete ass. Goes to show how entitled they are and their ignorance to the world.

  3. I don’t actually wanna kill myself and never did but I almost started crying watching this cuz the message is so impactful

  4. I was in such a tough spot in life. My friends (now old friends) were so bad to me. They made me the bad guy when I wasn’t. I felt no one was there. That everybody hated me. I realize that’s not true. People can be jerks, they can steal the light you once had. But don’t let them. DONT LET THEM STEAL YOUR LIGHT. This song made my life so much better.

  5. the guy right behind logic when he's giving the speech, he was a victim of suicide. he jumped off the golden gate bridge, but he survived.

  6. You said god cares. So why am I going through all this pain of a broken heart. Fail relationships back to back picking up users and liars. They last one claimed she loved me and I gave my heart and got it broken that I don’t think will ever be repaired

  7. I may not love this song, but knowing Logics story, and seeing him perform at such a massive scale is truly inspirational. That’s a man that made it. It’s hard to understand the scale it really is since so many celebrities just seem like these unknown entity’s to the viewer. But knowing that logic is a truly just a normal dude performing at the Grammys among his contemporaries that he grew up on makes it so much more impactful

  8. Listening to this and imaging how he’s going to tell his son about this song and how he absolutely saved so many lives,all from being a real and absolutely honest and relatable for so many people including my own friends and not having to live for someone else but for yourself,Logic you are an absolutely a legend and God knows it,thank you 🙏

  9. “Your skin is not paper, so don’t cut it,

    Your neck is not a coat, so don’t hang it,

    Your size is not a book, so don’t judge it,

    Your life is not a film, so don’t end it.”

  10. (THE STORY OF THE ALBUM) For the fans who just know the song and nothing about the album, Logic in the first verse as well as the features are talking from the perspective of someone who is suicidal. The album everybody is about a being named Atom who is everyone who has ever lived. The album then continues to rap from the perspectives of different people (the being named Atom has lived through). Every act of hate he commits onto someone he is only doing it unto himself. There are skits in between or at the end of songs where you are listening to atom as the version he was before he died. The album begins with atom dying and coming to into a waiting room where he meets god. The album is very underrated for the concept and thought behind it. Ps: at the very end of the album there is a skit that I don’t think is cannon to the story of everybody (but I could be wrong). It’s just continuing the “Incredible True Story” timeline.

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