Consciousness Videos

Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn


Jon Kabat-Zinn leads a session on Mindfulness at Google.


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46 thoughts on “Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn
  1. The here and now that Mr. Zinn teaches is the here and now of the sense and the material world , it is a scientific version of pinching your self or taking a cold shower, it does indeed bring a person into the present moment and away from thought ,memories and daydreaming but…… It is NOT the most PRIOR "Here and Now" of CONSCIOUSNESS as spoken of by Jesus, Sokrates , Lao Tzu and many other TRUE teachers. …..slapping someone in the face would bring any hysterical person back to the present moment . any auto mechanic or millman could teach this stuff. And im sure they would do it for free. Very sorry ! . When you EXPERIENCE the words below then you will know the spiritual truth. "You can kill my body …
    but you cant kill Me "-SOKRATES.

  2. "Nothing comes from without. All thing's come from within"..
    Neville Goddard (1905-1972
    Many thanks for this gem.
    Blessings to you.. ??
    Beautiful verse..Gratitude..

  3. I liked his book but I think a lot of his beliefs about zen masters and the "mind" (e.g. not being the same as the brain) sound like pseudo-science… I think he has a lot of very helpful ideas and practices but I don't think everything he says is actually true.

  4. It,s good to hear this from someone from the western side, used to much doing. Great conference for a lot which now and then keep entertaining that ancient belief of more doing, less being. How appealling to the soul to stick into our true nature.

  5. the mistake that jon kabat-zinn made in this talk is that he never implied explicitly or implicitly that mindfulness comes from buddhism. he said the word "buddhism" only once, near the end of the talk, & the context doesnt clearly imply that mindfulness comes from buddhism.

    btw, in all other talks of his that i watched so far other than this 1, he always implied that mindfulness comes from buddhism.

  6. Western scholars who called themselves experts on mindfulness should give a big credit and show gratitude to the Buddha. After all, he discovered it and taught it throughout his life. Truth is the Buddha taught at least 40 ways of meditation which can help humankind cope with their inner and outer world better. We can choose one of those ways which suits us best. Study Buddhism more you will know more on how to live your life happier and you don't even have to convert to it.

  7. mindfulness is the embracement of the life of a goldfish – inspiration takes work, research is looking for a gap, beware this confidence trickster, psychobabble – You will note reflection and his anecdotes take him out of the moment!

  8. Hi I discovered a place where you can find lots of new meditation tips available on the internet. Go to Google and type: "MindYoga4U". It'll be very useful to you personally.

  9. Couldn't a person be hypnotized to act a certain way under meditation?. If you do meditate you have to be aware that you are not being hypnotized.

  10. I'd like to share you a hack on the internet for the trending yoga tips. All you have to do is type: "MindYoga4U" in Google. You're going to turn into a master with the tips available.

  11. So Jon Kabat Zinn created mindfulness. Isn't mindfulness about calmly acknowledging your thoughts, without judging them. But judging is what causes anxiety isn't it. But didn't Jesus Christ say Judge not, in the book of Matthew chapter 7 verse 2. And Jesus said let your eyes see and let your ears hear. And mindfulness is about using your senses, including eyes and ears. So what if Jon Kabat Zinn philosophized Jesus Christ words, so Jon Kabat Zinn would get fame and recognition.

  12. Mindfulness or self-consciousness? One is described as something magically liberating, when the other as teenagers' plague, but isn't it really the same thing ?

  13. this is juddhism, selling of buddhism and making it another way of making people suffering under modern capitalist life pacified. he is selling buddhism. can they not simply practice or do they have to sell and profane everything?

  14. Thank you Jon for your pure sense. I could listen to you all day. "Awarenessing", "Falling Awake", "Authenticity", and "Arriving at Your Own Door" (as per DW) – just some of the immortal concepts of this great talk to practise as we navigate our lives.

  15. Excelente conferencia para transmitir la esencia de la P'ractica de Meditación dentro de la perspectiva de Atención Plena "Mindfulness". Voy a utilizarla con mis estudiantes asistentes de investigación en un adiestramiento para investigar precisamente con el modelo MBSR del doctor Kabat.Gertrudis Maldonado Ríos,PHD,Universidad de Puerto Rico en CayeyPuerto Rico

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