Art Theory

Modern Art and the Decline of Civilization

Academy of Ideas

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In this video we explore why modern art seems to suggest that modern civilization is suffering from a spiritual sickness – a deep existential loneliness, an eruption of the demonic, a negation of human nature and a fragmentation of the human form, a celebration of chaos – and thus perhaps, even a “sickness unto death”.


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42 thoughts on “Modern Art and the Decline of Civilization
  1. …both Carl Jung and Oswald Spengler put forward exactly what the narrator also mentioned…it is a lacking of Spirit…or a spiritual sickness that modern man suffers…and Art ALWAYS leads us…forward… this video is SO spot on and Well…done…

  2. I wouldn't agree with this idea that there's a decay we can observe through contemporary art, this is a rather narrow view and doesn't account for what all the movements of the 20th century brought up philosophically. Especially when we consider that certain movements valuing the grotesque like Dada were a reaction to the atrocities of a world brought into chaos by a lack of meaning.
    I'd be more of the opinion that Nietzsche would have supported a lot of contemporary movements. After all, those who proned that civilization was sick and that it needed to be revitalized with a clear model of beauty were most often the totalitarian regimes who denied anything that was daring in art with this same pretext that it was sickly.

  3. In my opinion and I think…[could be wrong] that what the narrator and author is talking about here, accelerated as big conflicts in Europe and other places increased…? A lot of old and beautiful buildings and cities were damaged in world war 1, in the war between germany and france and the ottoman Turk wars in the late 1800s.

  4. at 4:27, I feel that the narrator BRIEFLY talked about the art of "desperation" which occured during the world war 1 and before, of Europe. this is important. I am still learning and listening, but I beieve that thos awful times in history and first world war DEEPLY wounded the Faith and hope that Europe had had in Christianity and the hope of Humanity and man being wise and science bringing good civilization. World War 1 was a slap to the face; a wake up call for the ethics and dreams of Britain and Europe. it was demoralizing to a christian culture and philsophy.

  5. Maybe we should bring back some SOME..not all….parts of Christianity. yes, it may not be actual sacred truth. But it is HEALTHIER to have some spirituality than have a world were science is god. Look at all the ancient empires. They thrived ALONGSIDE their sciences, their architecture and their military and their art and their philosophy and reasoning ALONGSIDE religion and Spirituality. When they fell, they fell for certain common reasons. And it wasn't christianity that trashed cvilization. It was Catholocism, and then alter, Charismatic religions and ISLAM. And later, the corporations and Bankers that RUINED SOCIETY.

  6. this is the kind of beautiful and NECESSARY truth that needs to be taught to more and more young people in grade school. BUT IT IS NOT. ART is very important. the man and people behind this series "Academy…" is SPOT ON. ART teaches us many things. ART is the lens or the expression of what people psychologically and "…spiritual temper…" knew and did during times past. IT REVEALS the truth about any historic period as Rollo May said. I find videos like this refreshing and educational. Now, if ONLY I could get many people I know to watch these videos. Many young people don't care about ARt and its lessons nor do they care about Geology and ancient history. That is a shame. because there is a LOT to learn from the lessons of earlier civilizations AND THEIR ART.

  7. Currently civilization is declining. Yes art is documenting this. Is art good? Is art smart? Is art helping? Who knows but it sure fetches a fair coin. Oh wait, is that the problem with art or civilization?

  8. What's sad is how you and other portray science. I would never describe it as cold and random. There's real magic in the world and science helps us understand it even harness it to make magical constructs we call technology. Go research particle physics or cosmology go learn about dark energy or kilonovas. Learn about DNA and genetic expression. Learn about anthropology or evolutionary biology. The world no the universe is amazing and magical you just have to see the beauty without projecting youre own human hopes and fears onto it.

  9. Jung and Nietzsche were deluded. Interesting and poetic but ultimately they were mentally broken by their prejudice that rejected Christianity. They were the very epitome of the modern art you explained. Nietzsche was insane for the last decade of his life, and Jung admitted he had split personalities (one for which he built a tower- where he would literally be alone in his ivory tower). Both their fathers were Lutheran Pastors and this watered down Protestant Christianity eventually did not impress these deep thinkers, who ultimately rejected all organised religion. Why would you want to end up like these two?

    Nietzsche like Marx saw and described what was rotten about their society, but they were and are not our guides, because they were lost souls.

  10. It doesn't lie within us. It lies within the degeneracy of the institution. The education system is sick and spreads its sickness. The well is poisoned.

  11. I get this, for sure, but luckily I am 71 years old, reveling in my Wyoming Mountain Woman Life—thanking God and Mother Nature every day that I am alive, thriving, and blessed. My own art reflects this joy.🙋🏼‍♀️⛰💞❄️

  12. I really appreciate the way this channel speaks my mind – But since i had already (previous to learning of this channel) come up with (in my own mind) most of the conclusions offered here.
    Thus – I'll not be spending any of my hard earned cash towards their Patreon account – Especially since I'm aware that every time money changes hands (my over-lords end up with a portion) which is what further solidifies our predicament of being slaves to our wealthy over-lords – "over-lording" of THEIR lesser-over-educated class of drone workers -enslaved to the money generation systems of the wealthy Elite who keep skimming off the proceeds generated – By the Toil and Sweat of OUR Brow – to keep themselves empowered to live THEIR Opulent excessive Money empowered LifeSTYLES..

  13. What is around you never belonged to you. You are not of yourself. Soon humanity will see the world crumble under darkness, then the son of man will come and take back what is His. You can not stop this. Nobody on this planet, neither any agenda, can stop what is coming.

  14. I was excited by the title of this video, however I thought it would be about contemporary art, which has become devoid of emotion. Art that is purely intellectual is a mirror of our times, a society with people that live purely from their mind, often decapitated from their feelings, authenticity and separeated from nature. There is truth at the core of our being, call it a psychological self-actualisation or spirit, that often art is equipped to express rather than trying to think ourselves out of our misery.

  15. This video takes a very complex subject like the transition of aesthetics in Western art from the 19th to 20th centuries – seemingly only in the medium of painting – and contrives a few, usually precarious conclusions about what that means for an entire society.

  16. We rely on science because it provides concrete answers. Science saves lives, and improves living conditions. We have the science of Behaviorism, and Behavioral-Psychology. These scientific systems have fully explained the Human Condition. The old systems of Religion, and philosophy are long obsolete. They failed miserably, and have been replaced. This fact has NOTHING to do with "modern Art", and the degeneration of Western Culture. Science IS Western Culture!

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