
Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Crash Course AI #3


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Today, we’re going to combine the artificial neuron we created last week into an artificial neural network. Artificial neural networks are better than other methods for more complicated tasks like image recognition, and the key to their success is their hidden layers. We’ll talk about how the math of these networks work and how using many hidden layers allows us to do deep learning. Neural networks are really powerful at finding patterns in data which is why they’ve become one of the most dominant machine learning technologies used today.

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43 thoughts on “Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Crash Course AI #3
  1. And soon the governments will have all your secrets and be able to target children with no famalies so their pedophilic ways can continue, for evedence i site jimmy savile, geoffrey epstine and the fact that both these people were known to be actively molesting children and were protected and enabled by the british and american governments respectively, and they are just the most high profile cases, there are littaraly thousands worldwide being protected right now, this technology IS going to be abused and it IS going to be used to clamp down on your rights and freedoms and enable the governments round the world to silence those of us who speak out about the atrocities and abuses they enable and commit, this technology is allready been put to use in china to target people the government has issues with and the u.s. and the u.k. are not far behind them, welcome to your new orwellian future, you were warned and chose not to act, you only have yourselves to blame to enable violence through inaction is the worst form of violence, the people in power have been conditioned not to care for others from birth, whats your excuse?

  2. Please keep these ML videos coming. This is good, make as many as you possibly can. I cannot express how refreshing this series is, despite being only 3 episodes in. I've been waiting for CrashCourse to make a video series like this for a long time.

  3. Hey! Jabril, want to thank you for such an informative and easy to comprehend lecture. But the only thing is that I didn't get that gist of the math imagery. Could you help me out?

  4. Just remember, the brain perceives things through a series of guesses. so with billions of neurons doing complex statistical analysis, nobody is as bad at math as they think 🙂

  5. This is a great series, thank you all for taking the time to make it! For future videos, could Jabril's audio be turned up just a bit more? Sometimes, the end of his sentences get quieter and it's harder to catch all the info. Thank you!

  6. why red green and blue and not red yellow and blue (or magenta, yellow and cyan blue)? and how do the neurons "distribute tasks"? how do they "decide" which neuron of the hidden layers focuses on what?

  7. Seeing the cassette made me realize that for many younger viewers, this will be a strange type of old technology they may have never seen before.

  8. I find it strange that Alex Krizhevsky (as 12/20/19) doesn’t have his own page on Wikipedia nor does he appear in the Wikipedia pages for neural networks nor machine learning, yet his work is cited over 84,000 on google scholar.

  9. Tibetan Monks discovered this "Neural Network" long ago. Hundreds of them chant independently parts of a prayer so it is done in one sec. The problem is that god is deaf.

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