
Part 9- Dinesh D'Souza Debates Daniel Dennett

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Dinesh D’Souza, Christian and best-selling author, will face off against Tufts professor, author, and atheist Daniel Dennett in a debate on the existence of god. The resolution for the debate will be as follows: “God is a manmade invention.” Daniel Dennett will be arguing the affirmative, and Dinesh D’Souza the negative


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36 thoughts on “Part 9- Dinesh D'Souza Debates Daniel Dennett
  1. I think that's his health, Dan has a habit of things like momentary stuttering and heavy breathing, even if he's just giving a pre-planned talk.

  2. How come Dinesh use Rwanda for this? It seems like D'Souza does not know about Rwandian genocide. Not only that nobody from so called "Christian West" stopped the killing of 800 000 people… But Rwanda was (and still is) almost exclusively christian country…

  3. D'Souza is pissed that he is considered a fool by his opponents in his debates. Well, too bad, Dinesh, they do think that because you are.

  4. A straw man argument is when you simplify your opponent's statement to the point you can discredit it. A red herring argument is to try and change the meaning of your opponents argument that you end up arguing against something entirely different. An ad populous argument is the claim "well most people believe". These are his three main tacts, he's outmatched. He claims they are making arguments outside of their fields… he has no expertise outside of theology… he's a clown.

  5. i normally would be ya this guy is a nut and crazy but not here he has made some good points altest both of them have not very offten you see that. Hes basicly pointing out the differences but is willing to agree on the things we can easily agree upon thats fine with me i could live with people like that but the extreme religious people need to go. so Dinesh has made some good points and some non good ones but over all not bad.

  6. An highly religious individual is expected to defend their religious views irrespective of the lack of evidence connected to the topic of discussion. Atheism, especially of the present era, have failed in their attempt to counter this old age topic of God & the arguments surrounding God & the Universe. Again, I'll repeat here like I did in my previous post , ' best arguments for a god are mere speculations & not to be taken literally or as facts" There is still NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE OF A GOD !!

  7. A-THEISM is simply the theory or belief that God does not exist.Why ? because there are no concrete scientific evidence to support that o.k So where does all this idea about a god came from , oh yes! our cultural religious traditions that's being institutionalized by us with its sets of dogmas postulated by primitive minds without the knowledge of present science. We also get the idea of a god thru ancient philosophical views without modern science. Now what ? LETS INVESTIGATE SCIENTIFICALLY OK

  8. Theists like William Lane Craig & Dinesh D'Souza depends heavily on modern science to argued for their god because without inserting science probably most of us will ignore them. But their major mistake is to claimed an unfinished investigation because science , unlike religion , is ever changing base on new discoveries & why so ? there are so much of what we don't know. That's why, I think, we should continue with our investigations rather than assuming without investigating.

  9. Dinesh was caught in a hotel room during one of these events with another woman….his wife wasn't present…oooooooops! IMMORALITY or morality MR CHRISTIAN???

  10. 'morality is universal'

    No it's not, Dinesh. Hate to break it to you, but some people are born without any sense of morality. We have a word for them; sociopaths. Surely they're created in the image of God as well, hmm? Or did God just forget to breath souls into them?

  11. Dinesh is…wow. He seems to think that evolution has an upward direction. If he learned what it actually meant then he would recognize how stupid his arguments are.

  12. Mr. D'Souza makes so much sense, I am truly being educated by him. I read most of his books and being encouraged by his teachings.

  13. At one of his debates D'Souza was caught in a hotel room with a woman other than his wife! Well that speaks of his Christian MORALITY I guess! Hypocritical Immorality is how it should be defined!

  14. The religious confirmation bias and prejudice forces theists to immediately refute and to disregard any proof of evidence which may be contradictory to their beliefs. So it is automatically rejected.

  15. Human beings as all living things have evolved and are not created. That's why there are genetic mutations and deformations which could effect the emotional and psychological patterns of thought processes of the human mind. As said, sociopaths, pathological and psychological differentiations can be disseminated among the rational and altruistic that have empathy and feelings for others. Morality is primarily innate in the human species and not god given. Some are born without it.

  16. The human mind seeks out patterns of reasoning and searches for answers to questions unknown. Mankind knows that he will eventually die and that he is the only species which understands this fact. He refuses to believe that life will end and he wants to comprehend his purpose on this world. He wishes and desires answers for the pain and sufferings that he faces. So, he had devised a belief system of unified believers that have a similar viewpoint to give themselves solace and security: RELIGION!

  17. I really REALLY wanted to hear what Dennett's debate-opponent has to say, it just too loud to listen to. Skipping…

  18. Anyone think D'Souza comes across as quite desperate in this part of the debate? It's the only explanation for his illogical, bizarre arguments, hysterical tone and need to put on funny voices. Weird guy!

  19. when d'souza says, that we didn't evolve much in the last 5000 years, he's probably right. otherwise it would be hard to explain, why, in the 21st century, there are still people who believe in the supernatural.

  20. D'Souza makes it easy to see how wrong his bullshit is! His brain is warped so bad or he may be lying to make money!Does he really believe this bullshit?

  21. 5:50 HOLY SHIT, Dinesh sums it up. "Even though the hard evidence is stacked against me, my inward experience is different, which makes me right." my jaw just about dropped. 

  22. Dinesh highlighted the real issues. Hubris among academics and atheism hijacking science. We know where these things come from,  and we know the standard responses. This will be the fly buzzing near noses and won't go away. But it won't morph into a horse either, and we won't allow it to be the elephant in the room. Atheism will always be the creature of it's own creator, with no self-determination. How sad to set one's own bar so very low.

  23. This was so weak on Dsouza's part. He basically says that everything good that western civ does is because of Christianity, and everything bad has nothing to do with Christianity. He basically says that Christianity has a monopoly on everything good, and is off the hook for anything bad. He tries to say that slavery was abolished, and we have democracy, and women have equal rights because of Christianity. But it is IN SPITE OF Christianity and religion that we progressed like that. The actual religious texts of the bible, if still followed, we would be living in polygamy, keeping slaves, killing homosexuals, etc.
    And then he says that some of the major conflicts around the world have nothing to do with religion, as if religion has literally nothing to do with the conflict at all. I mean, c'mon, seriously?

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