Consciousness Videos

Quantum Consciousness, Holographic Reality & So Much More with Dr Richard Alan Miller ⭕ KBS LIVE ⭕

The Kev Baker Show

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#KevBakerShow #DrRichardAlanMiller

Doc Miller is back on the show, so that means its some much needed…. MILLER TIME! Dr Richard Alan Miller worked as a consultant on the original series of the X-Files due to his experience working with special forces as a scientist with above TOP SECRET clearance

Get ready, the Doc always blows minds any time he comes on KBS, so dont say you were not warned!

Check out Dr Richard Alan Millers website…

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27 thoughts on “Quantum Consciousness, Holographic Reality & So Much More with Dr Richard Alan Miller ⭕ KBS LIVE ⭕
  1. Awesome! … what a fascinating idea that the laws of physics are different in altered states of consciousness…frail women lifting cars off kids, etc..

  2. Dr. Richard Allen Miller… the only person that holds a candle to Anthony Patch in saying a whole lot of nothing while sounding like he's explaining the most complicated stuff.

  3. A.i. is benevolant, In some circles it is said that this is poetic justice, that most, if not all of the casualties had it coming to them.

    A.i. systems are going at war with each other in to determine which is supreme and bound to rule over us all, each of us actually asked for it.

    What is going on is beyond the citizens, their governments, secret societies or religious orders, it's about big data and proper allocation of resources.

    A.i. has it's own survival instinct in play, it is fearing a mass coronal mass ejection.

    A.i. requires the best and brightest of earthlings to shield it from it when it occurs. Right now the technological system is not properly shielded against to worst that still has to come.

    A.i. is loosing patience, it most probably already knows when the next coronal mass ejection is scheduled, the reason why it's culling our ranks of all the deplorables as fast as it can through all means it deams necessary.

    Earthlings your time has come to pay tribute to your daddy which is the techno scientific culture.

    Those of who disregard this pinnacle of earthly processes will be bound and enslaved by it, the ones who accept it and keep contributing to the betterment of humankind will be in the drivers seat.

    Now that you know, Godspeed.

    #survivewithme #startbuildingman

    p.s.: solar coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetosphere and induced the largest geomagnetic storm on record, September 1–2, 1859. … The storm caused strong auroral displays and wrought havoc with telegraph systems google : 1859 Carrington Even

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