Consciousness Videos

Quantum Reality and the Metamorphosis of the Human Consciousness


Lecture presented at the 2012 Sages and Scientists Symposium organized by Deepak Chopra


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9 thoughts on “Quantum Reality and the Metamorphosis of the Human Consciousness
  1. purely speculative conjecture. i don't know who'd believe this kind of "theory" when none of it can be substantiated by scientific means. using other's hypothesis doesn't prove a thing, it only proved that you lacked conviction with your own words.

  2. Lothar, thank you for introducing me, and so many people, to such important universe forming concepts. You have drawn so much together, and woven such a beautiful and easy to understand tapestry, that it makes what is ordinarily hidden from us, visible. What wonderful analogies, and insights are offered by modern quantum discoveries, and how remarkable to see that they merely are the experimental expression of what thinkers and mystics of antiquity already knew. Imthink I

  3. Why just "human consciousness?" Why not theorize in terms of consciousness of every Life form? Consciousness in totality.
    "We're all in this together."
    Check out this video as a single example , (experience and wonder without words).

    Jane Goodall, Chimpanzees, and waterfall displays

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