
RESIDENT EVIL 3 Intro / Opening (Remastered in 4K using AI Machine Learning)

The Gaming Restoration

Remastered in 4K using Machine Learning

I took the original video files from the Biohazard 3 SOURCENEXT PC port, and used ESRGAN with the Manga109
training model to upscale the videos 4 times their original resolutions…
This time the results were mostly disappointing.

I’m not sure if it’s because of the decoding software that Capcom used back in the 90s, but RE3 FMVs look
incredibly “blocky” and pixelated, and ESRGAN was unable to reconstruct the frames properly (it was able
to sharpen the edges but it couldn’t enhance the details). To make matters worse, the videos
are interlaced, and all the characters and objects have a great deal of motion blur.

On the bright side, I tried using STRGAN (another neural network software that can recover lost details in
textures and pictures) and I was pleased to see some beautiful results. It didn’t fix any of the issues with
the videos, but it was able to magically enhance some details like clothing, the zombies faces and their
skin details, the asphalt on the streets, the blood stains… basically any grungy-looking material/texture.
These results can be better appreciated in picture than in motion though, so I will start
this video by showing a small comparison, and then the opening FMV.

Original resolution: 720×480
[Deinterlaced and downscaled to 640×480 to remove excessive blocking and aliasing]
ESRGAN Upscale: 2560×1920

0:20 SFTGAN&ESRGAN vs original
1:19 Opening FMV (Upscaled)



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20 thoughts on “RESIDENT EVIL 3 Intro / Opening (Remastered in 4K using AI Machine Learning)
  1. This into is a celebration of every 90s action trope from "go go go" to "neverrrrrrr". The aggressive zombie noises are hilarious and they help set the tone for how fucked the civilians are

  2. What’s funny is this is how I remember the Quality looking on a normal television back in 99 but now since our eyes have been spoiled by HD and 4K we have to use special technology to give us what once was…

  3. I never understood why cops never parked the SWAT trucks bumper to bumper, thus creating a wall the zombies wouldnt be able to get across. Climb on top of the cars and then pick them all off.

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