
Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett


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richard dawkins,
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christopher hitchens debate,
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bill maher,
neil degrasse tyson,
christopher hitchens,
dawkins richard,
richard dawkins,
carl sagan,
sam harris,
ravi zacharias,
kent hovind,
dawkins debate,
christopher hitchens debate,
richard dawkins debate,
lawrence krauss,
the atheist experience,
matt dillahunty,
tracy harris,
don baker,
jen peeples,
jeff dee,
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richard dawkins documentary,
richard dawkings,
richard dawkins 2013,richard dawkins god,richard dawkins quotes,god delusion,the god delusion,richard dawkins youtube,richard dawkins atheist,richard dawkins religion,christopher hitchens,richard dawkins hate mail,richard dawkins bill o’reilly,richard dawkins 2013,richard dawkins what if you’re wrong,richard dawkins interview,richard dawkins south park,richard dawkins interviews,sam harris,christopher hitchens
,bill maher,atheist,dawkins,hitchens,christopher hitchens,richard dawkins,sam harris,atheism,richard dawkins 2011,sam harris interview,richard dawkins 2012,sam harris ted,sam harris atheist,islam sam harris,sam harris 2013,sam harris 2012,richard dawkins 2013, debate,sam harris islam,daniel dennett,sam harris debate,sam harris free will,sam harris mind,richard dawkins


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31 thoughts on “Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett
  1. It's sad when you realize that some of the brilliant orators/people are together in one room and discussing important topics, and the video has 5,000 views; and bieber takes one dick pic and the entire world is astounded.

  2. How would the discussion these men had help our world? Our world is in turmoil now mainly because of greediness and corruption. One suggested that Lawrence Krauss will fill the vacuum. Really? , a person who says the universe came from nothing. If you really want to help real people, leave your comfort and help the poorest person on the planet. That is what real Humanity is. But I see what these guys are doing. For them God has become their source of money. If they are scientists or know how the mind works, let them limit their talk to the part they know. Let them shut up talking about the entire universe. I guarantee you these individuals don't know even 0.0000001% knowledge of even the very subject they claim to be scientist/educated for.

  3. 1:07:50 A new window is opened by Hitch. Dawkins is suddenly and rightly energized to 'unpack' this line of reasoning. So good. Plus, at 1:10:05, Dennett says with great humble humor ~ "So you've given up."

  4. The advantage to this particular posting of this popular video is that it is not riddled with advertising. Richard posted the same debate under his own name and it has like 30 ads throughout the video.

  5. I come back and watch this video a couple of times a year. It has been viewed several million times (multiple copies of this video on YT) I think because these four gentleman calmly, rationally, respectfully and intelligently discuss matters that concern critical thinkers. I also just love hearing Hitch. He spoke so beautifully and with a skill of language use rarely matched. He did have a habit of talking over and interrupting people which just occasionally was rude but generally he was a gentleman.

  6. The 4 deluded humans with a mass following of stupid people.
    These people lie and misquote deliberately. I have no respect for these Islamophobes.
    If they were truly intellectual, they would have a nuanced approach to theocracy, problem in Muslim world etc. but they resort to attacking the religion of course.

  7. If I could have been part of this discussion I would tell them that they are missing the point.  One point is that militant atheism is not the opposite of religion.  It's anti-religious.  It's not an indifference of religion but It's an attack of others fundamental beliefs.  They think that they are intellects, rightfully so, but they are  utterly lacking in empathy.   It's the lack of empathy that is really "offensive" to many.  Furthermore, they think they are attacking the God Myth, but they are really attacking people's immortality.  Most people want to believe when they die, that there is an after life.  The biggest implication of atheism is that death is the end.  That may be true but they don't see that one critical point.

  8. I guess it s not applejuice the re drinking, he he. what a jolly bunch. laurence krauss would have to be there too. Let s only hope that they can pursue their endeavour and that brave new intelligent man can one day follow them up and dare to continue to shed light on these dark ages. RIP, Hitch.

  9. It's sad to say that these men are one their way to be separate from Jesus, nothing makes sense without God, not morals, not math, not laws of logic, nothing, how could there be such a book as the bible, with all the answers in it about life, and it be false, makes no sense, i know Christopher is dead, but i hope the others find the truth before they meet God! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

  10. So when they started talking about cognitive dissonance and Christopher gives the example of people in the 50s who thought Ike was a communist, he used the phrase "the White House is run by the Kremlin, but then you have to go get the groceries". Here in 2018 that sent chills down my back.

  11. 58:32 Four Knights of the round table discussing stories from battle.

    Harris: I hear word that I have converted enemies to allies.
    Dawkins: I came up against an opponent who shrieked and turned into immovable stone.
    Hitch: I made a man dig his own grave, and then put him in it.

  12. Let’s just have a short glimpse of America since religion has plummeted. 75% of Black Americans having babies out of wedlock. 50% divorce rate, parents who are drug addicts, fathers who leave, children at risk even in schools, foul language has overtaken proper discourse, civility has been thrown out, 10-year old children are allowed to say “Fuck off” to their parents and no consequences, our politicians are more corrupt than ever and don’t even hide it any longer, people rip off the welfare system which was created for the hard workers who fell on temporary hard times….the list is impossibly long. We suck without the glue of being accountable to a higher power. Mankind is so flowed, we are not redeemable by other people or ourselves.

  13. only "bad" thing in this video is that Aayan Hirsi Ali had to cancel her coming since she had some urgent family matters in Holland….there were supposed to be 5 of them…..didn't know it myself but Dawkins and Harris confirmed that this was to be video with 5 of them

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