Boston Dynamics
Seeking to instill students with real-life workforce skills through hands-on learning, teachers at Central High School in Louisville, KY, incorporated Spot into their curriculum. For students at CHS, a magnet school for Jefferson County Public Schools district, getting experience with an industrial robot has sparked a passion for engineering and robotics, kickstarted advancement into university engineering programs, and built lifelong career skills. See how students learn to operate Spot, program new behaviors for the robot, and inspire their peers with the school’s “emotional support robot” and unofficial mascot.
Learn more about how Central High is integrating Spot in their classrooms:
Get a free copy of Central High’s Spot Curriculum:
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39 thoughts on “Robotics at Louisville Central High | Boston Dynamics”
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I still wanna see one of these things up close.
Can Spot stand on 3 legs and " shake hands"?
10/10, really excellent.
How the heck does this high school have an unlimited budget? What's their FIRST Robotics team name and number?
Man! This is great. I wish this was around when I was in school
This is an amazing program, inspiring the future generations. Great job Boston Dynamics.
This is absolutely amazing. I love it. The principal and the staff seem outstanding and so invested in their students. Kudos to Boston Dynamics for partnering with them!
STEAM should be integrated heavily in Younger years, and held to a higher standard, yes people learn differently but each person can also be helped reach their potential. I wasn't helped or pushed the righy way, my stubbornness got me through it. Adhd is still a struggle but it seems the classroom/testing environment that I don't do well in. I'm an engineer now but I could've been an engineer 8 years earlier had I the right help.
I love this!! 👏🏿❤ Always been a fan of Boston Dynamics 🦾
BTW almost every high school in Jefferson county has career magnets. People complain about the school system, but I really liked that part. Central has a bunch of them though, where most schools have one or two. The schools that don't have them tend the be the fancy ones, for some reason.
Hahaha putting a sock puppet on it 😂
As Spot is an industrial robot, I give BD and the school extra credit for developing a program/interaction protocols that allow the students the freedom to work that closely with Spot without (hopefully) any negative consequences.
You are the Kings of robotics !!
Yes! Yes, yes, yes!
Getting kiddos excited about robotics is important. Excellent.
This is wonderful! 😊.
Bravo Boston Dynamics!!!!!!!!!!
This is heartwarming and cool at the same time. It's really nice for Boston Dynamics to go beyond universities and beyond big coastal cities and beyond "large players". It actually seems that even Spot is happier.
This is much more interesting than the same footage of Spot walking in a factory, pointing a camera at gauges.
В Україні зараз відбувається війна роботів і дронів. Найбільша війна дронів і роботів в світі. Україна терміново, на позавчора, потребує суттєвої і системної допомоги. Якщо впаде Україна, росія буде мати ресурси України + висококваліфіковане, велике, вмотивоване військо, яке стоїть на кордонах і хоче стерти США і НАТО в радіоактивний попіл, про що вони неодноразово заявляли.
Допоможіть Україні!
Заради загальнолюдськтх цінностей, за які Українці воюють.
Згадайте досвід ІІ Світової і умиротворення агресора.
Агресора треба знищувати на його території повністтю демілітиризував його.
Почему в кадре так мало белых учеников ? 😮😮😮
goosebumps <3 i love spot and i am so happy for those students to have this opportunity
this is so lovely 🙂
Great initiative!
Great job
Damn I wish I was afforded these opportunities, I was too old for any programs in highschool when I did try for them or the programs never existed at the schools I went to. Still thanking my old robotics teacher to this day, an amazing guy, taught me mechanics and how to put pcbs and make literally anything. So happy that there's more dudes like him out here and affording their kids these amazing opportunities ❤
Outstanding! That's great. Imagine if they took a jog with Atlas.
What really matter is that they have GREAT teachers and good support system.
I Just wanted to see spot dance. I'm so disappointed now.
Really COOL !!
Well done!
What an amazing school, the students look well involved and enjoying every minute of their school journey.
Thank you Boston Dynamics for supporting this great program.
It seems like this school could create a package that could help other schools apply for the same kind of funding. Boston Dynamics could also help to facilitate that and create a broader educational program.
Seriously I don't know why universities are not understanding that Robotics is the future 99% of the people are doing Computer science plus Robotics should be offered in each in every university
where were these teachers when I went through public school?
usa education was already going down, now such technologies will only be avaialble to the rich schools and only a handful of kids will get to use them while the rest will fail 8th grade math
That is what real teachers look like!
This is what equality opportunity looks like, because the best person for the job might be the one you least expect.
We need more of the style of education displayed in the video.
I see you Chris Brown! 😂