
Roger Penrose: Infinite Cycles of the Universe Punctuated by Big Bang Singularities

Lex Fridman

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Roger Penrose is physicist, mathematician, and philosopher at University of Oxford. He has made fundamental contributions in many disciplines from the mathematical physics of general relativity and cosmology to the limitations of a computational view of consciousness.

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45 thoughts on “Roger Penrose: Infinite Cycles of the Universe Punctuated by Big Bang Singularities
  1. At what point does the expanding universe convert to a big bang? When all mass converts to photons with no frequency after expanding till all light stretches out to zero frequency or is there a collapse ?

  2. so this means that we could all be"inside" a black hole – as in, everything is happening as a jet of photons zips in a straight line towards the edge of spacetime, ever expanding it?

  3. So, if there are cycles, and we can see influences of previous black holes, do those black holes create harmonics of the eons?

  4. I know this sounds like just the sort of thing some random guy on the Internet would say, but I independently theorized this with a slightly less formal or mathematically rigorous justification. I didn't utilize the visualization of the transormation from one geometry to another. I followed a similar path to Penrose in contemplating the end state where only photons exist due to, and rationalized that since the expansion of space is homogeneous and the speed of all photons is identical, past a certain time there would no longer be any intersecting paths of photons, and after infinite time, their positions relative to each other would settle into a fixed state. All of this is to say that the ground state which the universe settles into is one in which the only information is relative position with the absence of time because there is no change, and from the absence of time, no meaningful information regarding scale. I surmised this to be a perfectly crystalline and entropic state which upon "stepping back" I couldn't meaningfully distinguish from my mental model of the big bang.
    Naturally after a few google searches I found out that Penrose was all over the cyclical cosmology game way before me. lol

  5. Interesting to hear such similar concepts, perhaps this signal as Roger explains could be an echo or pattern, a blueprint so to speak of how particles will interact within the new universe. If the photons approach infinity with a very specific speed and position before space & time dissipate, the placement of each photon may determine there potential position and energy within the new expanding universe thus leaving a thumbprint from its parent like an "instruction manual" for how particles should behave.

    It kinda reminds me of a single cell dividing into two – I guess nature imitates what its given.

  6. These people are weirdos and think they have answers but these answers are all based off of broken foundations. The fact that he speaks as if this is true is a sign of insanity, not genius. These poster boys for science are jokes. How can anyone with a speck of intellect be so sure that they are right when it comes to the mysteries of the universe.

  7. I know that the cyclic universe theory is generally seen as unlikely these days, but to my uneducated brain it appears to make the most sense. Everything in the Universe appears to flow in cycles or waves, and it follows in my mind that this would apply on large scales as well. As to inter-universal communication I liked Sagan's idea in "Contact", that an intelligence would communicate with us through some arrangement of the physical laws of our universe, in the case of the book by planting code in the Pi sequence. It seems the most logical way to send a message to an intelligence of an unknown nature, one that would inevitably be uncovered in time.

    I guess the bigger question would be would we ever be sophisticated enough to recognize it when we see it? Again I apologize for my limited education and if anyone sees any errors in my thinking please let me know, but my understanding is that a communication would involve some sort of ordered arrangement, one that stood out from a background that would appear more chaotic than the message. However our definition of what is order or chaos has been created and shaped by our experience of this universe. What we would term chaotic is only so by the standard of the laws and processes we observe around us. So if an intelligence send us a message of ordered “information” would we recognize it as such? We are already surrounded by surprising order in so many ways, such as the Ulam spiral. There may be a meta order that we have yet to observe, hidden for example in the depths of the architecture of the Grand Unified Theory, waiting for us to arrive. Or maybe it is painted on the walls of our universe and we are looking at it now, but we are simply unable to perceive it as order, as we understand it.

    However, I am inclined to agree with Mr. Penrose, in that the outlook for the future of our race is looking pretty dim and my gut tells me that as a race we are unlikely to stick around long enough to find the cosmic post-it if it exists.

  8. what if black holes are creating surrounding universe really, the we do not know really… it is static after all the universe, we have just a small image of the universe and how can we perfectly infer all that, it is expanding, how is it possible to make all those inferences really. We have to take a step back and think again, it might be so it is apparently looking like it is as if it is expanding faster but we have to take the idea of universe as expanding in the first place so if it changed at all during expansion we will have different variables and might end up in stationary universe…

  9. ok say when black holes where created they changed the speed of the expansion, how? if they stop acceleration they will trick us to see it was accelerating faster, double blow i see

  10. Theoretical Physics is the Common Core of Physics. Sounds and looks nice on a white board until you realize "singularity" just means, this doesn't actually work. Just take out word for it.

  11. I think they already did send the signals through , I think (speculate ) that the concepts and abstractions themselves that comprise our thoughts (love, hate, curiosity, etc …) Are in themselves a sort of hand me down of a previous point in , I suppose hyperspace if we can call it that, it's as if we are ourselves projections of an unknown origin onto an secondary medium, does that make any sense? , This man is brilliant !!!!! , I wish I was competent at mathematics I would love to do what he does.

  12. For all practical purposes the universe (whatever that word means) is and can only be imaginary the simple reason that no one and absolutely no one can directly immediately apprehend the universe, whatever they suppose that to be, asthe universe; Therefore it can only be imaginary QED.Self evidently that which is Everything everywhere everywhen cannot be directly immediately apprehended as Everything-everywhere -everywhen, or whatever you are apprehending cannot by any stretch of imagination be the universe or everything everywhere everywhen.

  13. Let us rewind to 2007. Two top physicists wrote a book called "Endless Universe" which explains that the so called Big Bang may have started this universe but that there was one prior to that, and so on. The big bang theory begs the question, really; after all, we have to answer, what or who caused the big bang? Who or what created the infinitely small dot that exploded into all the galaxies we see now? Why? What was there before it?

    The concept of an endless universe which recycles itself, is the very heart of Hindu belief dating back thousands of years. Unlike the Judeo-Christian heritage which says the earth is just a few thousands of years old, it is Hindu belief and understanding that the universe is billions, perhaps trillions of years old. Universes form, slowly decay and disappear, only to be replaced with new ones.

    One last thing: it is my sincere belief that there are parallel universes pervading us as we speak, but the REASON WE CANNOT SEE THEM IS THAT OUR EYES ULTIMATELY ARE MADE OF MATTER BORN OF THIS UNIVERSE, and our eyes cannot possibly see a universe whose composition is entirely different.

  14. Causation pre-assumes existence of time. But if time does not exist, the concept of causation is a fictitious one.
    We can argue, based on laws of physics, that time must be two-headed. But we do not observe that. Thus the laws of physics must be rewritten by introducing another, more fundamental, notion for change that is two-headed: the flow of entropy. We need to reinvent physics without time in it and thus spacetime. The flow of entropy is all there is in reality space. There are infinitely many eternal universes to satisfy Schrodinger equation. If we represent each one as an infinite x-axis, then the point x=0 is the point of Big Bang. From it, the entropy flows in two directions. As it flows, each state farther from the Big Bang gets more entropy. And that is all there is at the fundamental level. Now we can see that equations based on (two-headed) flow of entropy are closer to reality than existing ones.

  15. Causation pre-assumes existence of time. But if time does not exist, the concept of causation is a fictitious one.
    We can argue, based on laws of physics, that time must be two-headed. But we do not observe that. Thus the laws of physics must be rewritten by introducing another, more fundamental, notion for change that is two-headed: the flow of entropy. We need to reinvent physics without time in it and thus spacetime. The flow of entropy is all there is in reality space. There are infinitely many eternal universes to satisfy Schrodinger equation. If we represent each one as an infinite x-axis, then the point x=0 is the point of Big Bang. From it, the entropy flows in two directions. As it flows, each state farther from the Big Bang gets more entropy. And that is all there is at the fundamental level. Now we can see that equations based on (two-headed) flow of entropy are closer to reality than existing ones.

  16. Crazy to think that gravitational waves could be used like morse code from previous big bang eons. But how does a spread out universe get back to the size of a singularity again to repeat the cycle?

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