Consciousness Videos


Mei Leaf

Is Consciousness an illusion or is Consciousness the precursor for matter? In this speech, we tackle the broad spectrum of views regarding Consciousness from the materialist view of the world all the way to the idealist view of Universal Consciousness and Quantum Consciousness.

These are some of the thoughts that have been on my mind as I sit with my tea sessions and every year I share these thoughts to an audience at the Teahouse when celebrating Chinese New Year.

I realise that a lot of the subject matter in the speech is controversial and I encourage vigorous debate but please let’s not reduce the discussion to a simplistic knee-jerk reaction of shouting Woo or Pseudoscience because name calling is not the same as scientific and philosophical debate. I include references for anyone wanting to do more reading.

Whether you take a Materialist, Dualist or nondualist stance on Consciousness I wish a Happy Chinese New Year to everyone out there!




ORCHESTRATED OR – QUANTUM CONSCIOUSNESS—Conduction-pathways-in-microtubules.pdf


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21 thoughts on “What is Consciousness? IS MATTER OR CONSCIOUSNESS AN ILLUSION?
  1. Consciousness is simply another title for LIFE (Not the human body) There is a Processing System all (Universes) are presented through. Discover "The Processing System of LIFE" which is ever present in your sight. Sadly most on Earth don't recognise it or take any notice of it. IF you have NOT seen "The Processing System of LIFE, these simulations (Universes) are played in, then I can reveal to you, two very simple ways you can SEE "The Processing System of LIFE".

  2. consciousness… It would be already developed.. .. Everything is conscious is this universe……small consciousness take little time to see what the will is trying to achieve… Bigger more complex conscious entities take longer spans of time to work out….

  3. the nature of reality and human consciousness is actually my life long favorite subject. Became more personal for me after I lost a loved one long ago. Glad to see you're fascinated by the subject as well. thanks : )

  4. I love this talk. Thanks so much for sharing. I shared it with my husband who is into some aspects of this talk. In fact, o believe it's these diversions into off topics that has ingratiated him to your, and my, world of tea. Job. Well. Done!

  5. Dodgy-D! An increasing number of renegade thinkers/researchers (like "Mr. Cati" : ) are now hypothesizing (and showing decent evidence to support that idea) that all of this increasing "high strangeness" that we are experiencing is the result of the rise (and effect) of quantum computing actually ALTERING REALITY> If you really think about it, the whole phenomenon of "fake news" COULD be more the result of the LOSS OF CONTROL over the flow of information (albeit with the addition of proactive propaganda) by which the INTEGRITY of news/truth begins to take on more of the "wave" form than solid particle/truth. It's sort of like those #freesamples – are they actually TANGIBLE bundles of particulate matter, (with measurable mass and location)? Or are they mere "wave forms" collapsing into the VOID of space-time? That is the question…

  6. I've always considered reality to bound by perception, influenced by, for want of a better word, influences, the capacity of mind, what is learned, world view from those around us (who opinions matter to us, or are taught to matter).

    I believe with enlightenment, an absolute surety of understanding and thought (the beginning of enlightenment is knowing that one knows nothing, but enlightenment itself is simply knowing) that reality would be fluid, shapeless and that 'reality' would be ultimately meaningless, however by the same terms I also believe consciousness is also meaningless, along with individuality and the sense of self, that we are all just one consciousness trying to understand the different facets of itself.

    I only came here to try to find out what the strongest black tea, equatable to an English/Irish/Scottish breakfast tea would be. What a strange road.

    Thank you Don.

  7. I think the only thing that can be known about consciousness is that it exists. It does not have a physical nature that can be studied in a quantifiable way.

  8. What an excellent summary of the state of the art in philosophy of mind and physics! I'm not one of your tea heads but your videos are part of the background music of my daily life. Anne and Pia from Berlin are also attending your live sessions. Anne recommended me to see this video of yours because I am working in this field. If you are interested in diving even deeper into this subject matter, then please allow me to recommend you two of my scientific papers. They are as easy to read as your video is easy to follow for the educated layman and laywoman. One is about the next step in consciousness, namely artificial consciousness in form of artificial superintelligence, the so-called technological singularity. In 'Laws of Singularity' I have also partly solved Chalmers' 'hard problem of consciousness' that you mentioned:
    The other paper is a preview to my upcoming book 'You Are Many. The Polycentric Subject'. This is a bold attempt to solve the problem of subjectivity since Descartes not in a monistic or dualistic but rather in a tetralistic fashion. Consciousness plays a surprisingly easy-to-understand role in this new setting. I also tentatively follow Penrose's extremely compelling quantum theory of consciousness: Again, thank you for your spirited high-level introduction into this fascinating field. I will share it as much as I can.

  9. Great job! I studied philosophy and cognitive science, would have been great to have had a lecturer like you lol. Would be very interested in watching more of these kind of videos. How Philosophy (spirituality) is related to tea culture?! Peace from Germany

  10. That was pretty wild. Thanks for posting this! Sometimes I feel like the underlying stuff of the universe is pure, perfect love. How about that? 🙂

  11. You remind me of a trapeze artist doing flips and bar transfers high in the air — those impressive postures and positions are only possible because he is not grounded. So what is ground ? What we FEEL is absolutely real, perhaps the only certainty we have. And that includes what we INTEND.. All else may very well be Matrix.

  12. As far as micro-tubules causing consciousness that’s an idea that is not logical for the following reasons. The collapse needs something to cause the collapse, a collapse requires a measurement. If the measurement is made mechanically it will always be the same and that would make it static. If the measurement is made mechanically but random what good is that, that is called noise? What makes the measurement, consciousness itself? That logic would mean that consciousness causes consciousness (illogical).

    Free will may be caused by the soul (consciousness, dualism, non-material spirit) making an intelligent measurement which causes the collapse.

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